
In this episode, Coach Orlando tells Lucas how his friend, Bryan, started to change when he met the gang. Have a look at these two sentences:
"Bryan started skipping school."
"Bryan started hanging out with other friends."
When one verb is followed by another, the second verb can either be an infinitive or, like in the examples above, an -ing form. It is possible to change the sentences above without changing the meaning:
"Bryan started to skip school."
"Bryan started to hang out with other friends."
But, with other verbs, it is often only possible to use one type of verb or changing the verb type also changes the meaning. Have a go at this activity to learn more:

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1. Yes, I think so because it's bad to be a member of a bad gang.
2. Because some of the young people look for easy money.
3. Sport can aware young people to stay away from gangs and drugdealers.
02/08/2023 19:21
Manchester City
1. Yes, I think so because it's bad to be a member of a bad gang.
2. Because some of the young people look for easy money.
3. Sport can aware young people to stay away from gangs and drugdealers.
What do you think?
• Young people join gangs to prove themselves or they are attracted of expensive things such as car, watch etc.
• It would be painful learning by living.
• Newly celebrity might be attracted to nightlife and addicted to bad habits.
• Skipping school and hanging out with bad companions are basic features of lazy and problematic students.
14/06/2022 17:17
Tottenham Hotspur
What do you think?
• Young people join gangs to prove themselves or they are attracted of expensive things such as car, watch etc.
• It would be painful learning by living.
• Newly celebrity might be attracted to nightlife and addicted to bad habits.
• Skipping school and hanging out with bad companions are basic features of lazy and problematic students.
Bryan made a right decision to leave the gang.
26/03/2022 04:02
Manchester United
Bryan made a right decision to leave the gang.
man utd sucks
05/02/2024 10:59
man utd sucks
I think he did. He'd probably be at prison or worse if he still joined that gang. I think because they might have the possibility to earn some fast money and power that they were not able ever since. In my community it's common to see young people practicing sports like bicycling, football, handbal and another small games with friends and I think that's one of the best ways to keep a boy/girl far from drugs or any kind of trouble
03/03/2021 17:43
I think he did. He'd probably be at prison or worse if he still joined that gang. I think because they might have the possibility to earn some fast money and power that they were not able ever since. In my community it's common to see young people practicing sports like bicycling, football, handbal and another small games with friends and I think that's one of the best ways to keep a boy/girl far from drugs or any kind of trouble
Yes, I do think that He made the right decision to leave the gang, Because He could have been arrested or destroyed his future.
Sometimes young people join gangs just to have the power or just to impress beautiful girls.
There are lots of things to do in my neighborhood, sport can help young people in my community by helping them keeping a healthy body, and by helping them not to destroy their future with gangs
15/07/2020 07:48
Manchester City
Yes, I do think that He made the right decision to leave the gang, Because He could have been arrested or destroyed his future.
Sometimes young people join gangs just to have the power or just to impress beautiful girls.
There are lots of things to do in my neighborhood, sport can help young people in my community by helping them keeping a healthy body, and by helping them not to destroy their future with gangs
Definitely the right decision to avoid being in troubles forever.
Because young people like to have lots of money by doing little work.
Yes we help the local community in lots of works.
05/07/2020 22:56
Manchester United
Definitely the right decision to avoid being in troubles forever.
Because young people like to have lots of money by doing little work.
Yes we help the local community in lots of works.
Very good comic.
17/06/2020 20:11
Newcastle United
Very good comic.
Yes he did , because it's illegal and would distort him and he would lost his future .
Poverty , uneducation , divorced parents .
15/06/2016 08:52
Stoke City
Yes he did , because it's illegal and would distort him and he would lost his future .
Poverty , uneducation , divorced parents .
Bryan made the right decision because when he left the gang everything were better, he was not in trouble anymore. Sport can help to everyone, sport give self control, health, effort for more and more achievements.
14/03/2016 13:57
Manchester United
Bryan made the right decision because when he left the gang everything were better, he was not in trouble anymore. Sport can help to everyone, sport give self control, health, effort for more and more achievements.
Absolutely right.
Sometimes they can want to show themselves
02/03/2016 03:51
Leicester City
Absolutely right.
Sometimes they can want to show themselves
Of course Bryan made the right decision to leave the gang.Because become a gang member doesn't give him anything.Young people might feel that they don't receive enough support or attention at home. They may be trying to escape a negative home life.
18/01/2016 18:48
Of course Bryan made the right decision to leave the gang.Because become a gang member doesn't give him anything.Young people might feel that they don't receive enough support or attention at home. They may be trying to escape a negative home life.
I will agree with Mugemanyi. One of the biggest reasons why young people join gangs is that they think they can become rich within short period of time. But it has its prize like everything else..
29/12/2015 16:31
I will agree with Mugemanyi. One of the biggest reasons why young people join gangs is that they think they can become rich within short period of time. But it has its prize like everything else..
Yes. It was good for him. If he staying in that gang, he will be a bad boy. I think some people join the gang as they have some troubles. There are not lots of things to do. Sport can help to improve friendship and health for young people.
29/11/2015 15:44
Manchester United
Yes. It was good for him. If he staying in that gang, he will be a bad boy. I think some people join the gang as they have some troubles. There are not lots of things to do. Sport can help to improve friendship and health for young people.
Young people join gangs because they think it's easy to be rich.
23/11/2015 08:06
Young people join gangs because they think it's easy to be rich.
I agree with Aleksandr. Sport complex is the best thing if we want to create a real sportsmen. Children need a stepping stone and after they begin with trainings and healthy, sporty lifestyle the half of work is already done.
21/11/2015 13:56
I agree with Aleksandr. Sport complex is the best thing if we want to create a real sportsmen. Children need a stepping stone and after they begin with trainings and healthy, sporty lifestyle the half of work is already done.
Bryan made right decision on time. He realised that he could be involved in big problems so he left the gang. Sport is always the best solution, it will keep you away from bad people and it might be your way to success, to become a star and live a descent life, to secure better life to your family and help the friends in hard times.
20/11/2015 15:34
Bryan made right decision on time. He realised that he could be involved in big problems so he left the gang. Sport is always the best solution, it will keep you away from bad people and it might be your way to success, to become a star and live a descent life, to secure better life to your family and help the friends in hard times.
And some typos to mention, if you don't mind: Question 2 - 'tehy' instead of 'they'; Question 9 - 'playerd' instead of 'played'; What happens next - coach 'Ipul' is mentioned instead of Orlando (different story); Gerund or Infinitive - the verb 'play' is not in the list; Match up - the letter 'a' is missing in the indefinite article 'n organized group'. In fact, I wanted to know whether we could also write the 'organised' with the letter 's'? P.S. If you see any typos or mistakes in my comments, please do tell me. It will help improve my writing skills. Thanks!
20/11/2015 08:21
And some typos to mention, if you don't mind: Question 2 - 'tehy' instead of 'they'; Question 9 - 'playerd' instead of 'played'; What happens next - coach 'Ipul' is mentioned instead of Orlando (different story); Gerund or Infinitive - the verb 'play' is not in the list; Match up - the letter 'a' is missing in the indefinite article 'n organized group'. In fact, I wanted to know whether we could also write the 'organised' with the letter 's'? P.S. If you see any typos or mistakes in my comments, please do tell me. It will help improve my writing skills. Thanks!
Hi Nikosonris - thanks for pointing these out. I think we need to try a bit harder to check our own work! As to the verb organise/organize; both are fine. The z spelling is preferred in American/Canadian English, but it's becoming quite common in British and other varieties of English, too. This is probably because American websites and word processors don't like the 's' English spelling. I've changed it to the preferred British English version. Thanks again. Jack
20/11/2015 12:56
Hi Nikosonris - thanks for pointing these out. I think we need to try a bit harder to check our own work! As to the verb organise/organize; both are fine. The z spelling is preferred in American/Canadian English, but it's becoming quite common in British and other varieties of English, too. This is probably because American websites and word processors don't like the 's' English spelling. I've changed it to the preferred British English version. Thanks again. Jack
Thank you Jack for your explanation. I also prefer the British English version)
20/11/2015 13:30
Thank you Jack for your explanation. I also prefer the British English version)
We have some sport facilities in my neighbourhood where you can play and practice football & basketball free of charge.
20/11/2015 08:12
We have some sport facilities in my neighbourhood where you can play and practice football & basketball free of charge.
He did the right thing. And it wasn't his fault that he joined the gang. He just fell under bad influence of local gangsters (like Aleksandr said) who perfectly knew how to recruit (bribe) a new member. Usually young people join the gangs because they want to show off in front of their peers and think that's cool to be in a gang. Sometimes they make such decisions because that's the only way to survive in the neighbourhood.
20/11/2015 08:09
He did the right thing. And it wasn't his fault that he joined the gang. He just fell under bad influence of local gangsters (like Aleksandr said) who perfectly knew how to recruit (bribe) a new member. Usually young people join the gangs because they want to show off in front of their peers and think that's cool to be in a gang. Sometimes they make such decisions because that's the only way to survive in the neighbourhood.
Thanks for introducing new word nikosonris! "bribe"
25/11/2015 10:00
Thanks for introducing new word nikosonris! "bribe"
The reason I know this word is that we have so much bribery in my country that it has literally rooted in our day-to-day life at all levels(
27/11/2015 11:34
The reason I know this word is that we have so much bribery in my country that it has literally rooted in our day-to-day life at all levels(
Of course Brian made the right decision. Because it made him happy. And he always liked football.
People join gangs because of bad influence and imaginary benefits.
IN my neighbourhood ther are a lot of possible sport activities. we have big sport complex with football and basketball fields, pools, gym.
20/11/2015 06:38
Of course Brian made the right decision. Because it made him happy. And he always liked football.
People join gangs because of bad influence and imaginary benefits.
IN my neighbourhood ther are a lot of possible sport activities. we have big sport complex with football and basketball fields, pools, gym.
Yes he did , because it's illegal and would distort him and he would lost his future .
Poverty , uneducation , divorced parents .
19/11/2015 20:07
Yes he did , because it's illegal and would distort him and he would lost his future .
Poverty , uneducation , divorced parents .