Speaking Skills: How to improve your fluency
Speaking Skills: How to improve your fluency
In this week's Premier Skills English podcast, Rich talks about how nervous he gets before interviews and how this affects his speaking fluency. Rich is going to have an interview to be a football coach and Jack gives him some advice for the interview that will help him speak more fluently. The language focus is on vocabulary connected to football coaching and we give you some tips and strategies to help you speak more fluently. As always, we also have a new football phrase for you to guess. Enjoy!
Speaking Skills - How to improve your speaking fluency.
Jack: How you doing Rich?
Rich: Er..., well, not that good actually.
Jack: Why? What’s up?
Rich: I’ve got an interview next week.
Jack: Ah! You get really nervous, don’t you? Just take a deep breath and you’ll be fine.
Rich: It’s easy for you to say. Would you mind helping me practise a little?
Jack: Sure. No problem at all.
Rich: Hello my name’s Rich
Jack: and I’m Jack
Rich: and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast
Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.
Jack: What’s happening this week, Rich?
Rich: In this week’s podcast, we’re talking about interviews and speaking fluency.
Jack: That’s right. We’ve got a few tips to help you improve your speaking fluency.
Rich: How would you describe fluency, Jack? And why is it important?
Jack: In very general terms, it means talking naturally, not hesitating, or stopping too much when you are talking. It’s important because it’s part of communication and if we are not fluent it can make speaking difficult.
Rich: It can take a long time to be fluent in a language, but there are things you can try to do that will improve your fluency.
Jack: And it’s not only language learners that can have problems with fluency. Some people, even in their first language, get nervous and become less fluent when speaking to others.
Rich: Tell me about it. I get really nervous when I have a job interview or have to speak in front of an audience or even when I’m speaking to someone I don’t know.
Jack: Well, Rich - it’s a problem that lots of people have and hopefully, in this podcast, we can help you a little and give all of our listeners some helpful advice.
Topic Focus
Jack: So, Rich, you said earlier that you have an interview. What’s it for?
Rich: It’s a job interview. Well, a kind of job. I want to be a football coach.
Jack: A coach? Really? Who are you going to coach? Manchester Utd?
Rich: Very funny. No, it’s just as a coach where I live - coaching kids football.
Jack: That’s great. So why do you have to have an interview?
Rich: I think the school want to get to know me a little. They want to know what experience I have teaching kids and teenagers.
Jack: You should be alright. You’ve worked for years as a teacher.
Rich: Yeah, I know but I just get so nervous in interviews. I start sweating, my mouth goes dry, I don’t know what to say or I just start speaking nonsense. (speak quickly)
Jack: Ok, ok slow down. The first thing you need to do is pause and take a breath. Breathe through your belly - it can help you relax.
Rich: Yes, of course, you’re right - deep breaths. Do you think you can help a little? Could you ask me some practise questions?
Jack: Alright, let’s imagine we’re at the interview.
Rich: Sounds good.
Jack: OK - why do you want to be a coach?
Rich: Well, the thing is, erm... Basically, the main reason I want to be a coach is so I can support my community and help the local football team. You see, the thing is, we’ve got some good players, but they are young and basically, they need some help. And at the end of the day, it will help me keep fit and I’ll have some fun at the same time.
Jack: What qualities do you think make a good coach?
Rich: Sorry, what do you mean exactly by a quality?
Jack: I mean a characteristic or something that makes someone a good coach.
Rich: Ahh, OK. Well, I’d say that the qualities that make a good coach are an idea of fairness, that would be a good starting point and maybe leadership, too.
Jack: So, Rich... Can you tell me about a time when you’ve run a coaching session for children?
Rich: Yes, yes I can. I have not run many coaching sessions about football. Hold on, that doesn’t sound very natural. Let me try again.
Jack: OK, Rich. Can you tell me about a time when you’ve run a coaching session for children?
Rich: I’ve not run many coaching sessions about football. That sounds better. But, I can remember one time. We played a 5-a-side match. I put the children in two teams. We had a great time.
Jack: OK, that sounded natural to me. Let’s have one more question. Can you tell me more about what you actually did in the training session?
Rich: Yes, of course. In the training session, we did a training drill called walk the dog.
Jack: Nice, sounds interesting, go on.
Rich: Well, er, it’s to practise dribbling skills - you know - when you have to run with the ball at your feet. It’s called walk the dog because - you know - when you have a dog on a lead you have to keep it, like, close to you.
Jack: Good. And what do you have to do?
Rich: Well, like, you have to put lots of cones on the pitch. Some of them are orange and some are blue. The children have to imagine that the blue ones are lampposts and the orange ones trees.
Jack: Uh-huh?
Rich: The dogs, the balls, need to stop at all the, you know, lampposts so the children have to dribble and stop at all the blue cones.
Jack: And the trees?
Rich: I shout it’s raining and they have to dribble their ball, or dog, to a tree - the orange cones.
Jack: Much better!
Rich: What?
Jack: Your answer. Much more fluent. I think you might have forgotten our roleplay!
Language Focus - Fluency Tips
Jack: In the last section, we were talking about how we can improve our fluency when we’re speaking and we have three tips for you to think about before and while you speak that we think will improve your speaking skills.
Rich: Tip number one. Take a deep breath. Sometimes you’re not fluent because you are nervous and it has nothing to do with your language ability.
Jack: Yes, like you in interviews. It’s important to relax before you speak and take a deep breath. Also, when you’re speaking take a breath sometimes. It’s possible to speak too fast as well as too slowly!
Rich: Tip number two. Use contractions and connect your words when you talk. Remember that speaking is very different from writing. We usually say ‘I’m and I’ve’ rather than ‘I am’ and ‘I have’.
Jack: It’s like how you were speaking earlier. Sometimes when you’re nervous you might over-pronounce everything. You sounded a bit robotic - a bit like a robot. I know this is because you are nervous but ‘I have not run many coaching sessions’ doesn’t sound good. You need to be a bit quicker and more natural. Use contractions. You should say ‘I haven’t run’ not ‘I have not run’ ‘I’ve done’ is better than ‘I have done’
Rich: Sounds good, what’s tip number three?
Jack: Tip number three. Use language fillers. Rich used two types of fillers. He used words like well and you know and erm which we use to give ourselves time to think. Some similar words and phrases are ‘I mean’, ‘I guess’ and like.
Rich: The other type of filler I used were cliches and set expressions. These words might have a meaning in some contexts but when they are used as fillers they are just giving the speaker time to think, too.
Jack: Earlier you said this, ‘Well, the thing is, erm... Basically, the main reason I want to be a coach is so…’ Here you are using ‘well’ and ‘erm’ but you are also using fillers like ‘basically’ and ‘the thing is’. All of them are used to give you time to think.
Rich: So we use words and phrases such as ‘basically’, ‘actually’ and ‘the thing is’ to give ourselves some more thinking time.
Jack: A popular filler in interviews with footballers is the cliche ‘at the end of the day’. It is used all the time. Earlier Rich said ‘At the end of the day it will help me keep fit’. This phrase’s original meaning is ‘in conclusion’ or ‘in the end’ but it doesn’t really mean anything when it’s used as a filler.
Rich: If you want to learn more about football cliches take a look at our podcast on cliches or a video I found from the BBC that shows how often these cliches are used by football players and managers. It’s quite funny.
Jack: We’ve got some more information and tips about improving your speaking fluency in the activities on the page below.
Can you work out this week’s football phrase?
Rich: Have you got a football phrase for us this week?
Jack: Yes, I have, but first, last week’s football phrase. The phrase was close season. It means the period of the year when no football is played. It wasn’t difficult to understand the meaning but the phrase was difficult to guess and not many of you got the phrase we were looking for.
Rich: So, a special well done to Ahmed Adam from Sudan and Phhchuong123 and anhduongspurs from Vietnam. You three got the right answer!
Jack: And an even bigger well done to Ahmed Adam from Sudan who is our fan of the week. Thanks for the article and the photos Ahmed Adam. Remember, if you want to be one of our fans of the week - just get in touch!
Rich: So, what’s this week’s football phrase, Jack?
Jack: It’s ******** ***** and it’s something you mentioned earlier Rich when you were talking about coaching. A ******** ***** is something you do at football practice - something that a coach gets their players to work on again and again. There are defensive ones, attacking ones, passing ones, shooting ones - lots of different types.
Rich: We even have them in English class when we ask our students to repeat words - sometimes we get our whole class to repeat words which can help with pronunciation.
Jack: That’s right we do use them in English class, too. Before we leave you we just want to tell you about a new section on Premier Skills English. It’s Niyati’s vlog. Niyati is from India and loves football - she’s making some vlogs for us an and the first one is on the side of this page.
Rich: Tell Niyati what you think in the comments section and she will get back to you.
Jack: Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below.
Rich: Bye for now and enjoy your football!
How much did you understand?
In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. You can see two examples here:
Generally, fluency means talking naturally and not hesitating or stopping too much.
I start sweating, my mouth goes dry and I start speaking nonsense.
There were a few more tricky words in the podcast. Can you remember all of them? Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words in context. This can really help with understanding.
Activity 1

Vocabulary - Coaching
In this week's podcast, Rich used spoke about a football training session he ran in the past. He used a lot of vocabulary connected to coaching. Have a look at these sentences from the podcast, do you understand the words in bold?
I've not run many football coaching sessions.
We played a five-a-side match.
We did a training drill called walk the dog.
It's to practise dribbling skills.
You have to put lots of cones on the pitch.
In the activity below, take a look at the words and see how many of the words from above you understood.
Activity 2

Language - Tips to improve your speaking fluency
In this week's podcast, Rich and Jack spoke about how to become more fluent when you speak. Do you find it difficult to get your message across? Do you check with the speaker that you have understood? Do you refer to what the other person said when you are speaking? Are you confident when you're speaking? Are you confident to interrupt the speaker? Look at these tips hThink about the tips and advice they gave you and what you do when you are speaking in English.
Three tips to improve your speaking fluency:
- Relax. Sometimes fluency has nothing to do with language ability especially in stressful situations. Take deep breaths when you speak and talk at your own place; neither too quickly or too slowly.
- Use contractions and connect your words when you speak. We usually say 'I'm' and 'I've' not 'I am' and 'I have'. Don't pronounce every word you say. We don't usually stress grammar words.
- Use fillers. These types of words and phrases give you more thinking time. Some examples are 'well', 'you know' or 'basically' and 'actually'.
Can you think of any other tips to improve your speaking fluency? Let us know in the comments section below.
Just a Minute
In the podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about speaking fluency and how to become more fluent. We've already looked at some tips above but one of the most important things is to get opportunities to practise your speaking. One activity that you could try with a friend or in the classroom, wich focuses on fluency, is a game called Just a Minute which is a radio show from the BBC. The idea of the game is that you are given a topic to speak about for one minute and you mustn't hesitate (pause), deviate (change the topic) or repeat something. Listen to this episode between 11:38 and 13:53 to get an idea. The topic is one law that I would like to change.
Below are some easier topics that you could speak about for a minute with a friend or in the classroom. Remember, you have exactly one minute to speak and you can't hesitate, deviate or repeat! Try to speak quickly and try to use some of the fillers (basically, you know etc.) that we spoke about in the podcast.
My favourite football team.
My best ever holiday.
My family.
My favourite food.
Things I like to do in the evening.
Please login to take this quiz.
What do you think?
In this week’s podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about interviews, coaching and speaking fluency.
Have you ever had a job interview? Do you like them? How do you feel before?
Rich wants to be a football coach. What would you like to teach? Would you be good at it? Why?
Do you get many opportunities to speak English? Do you have any tips to improve your speaking fluency?
Remember to write your guess at this week's football phrase and the questions above in the comments section below.
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• I’ve had job interview a few times.I was very excited and nervous.I would like to teach finance or accounting.I think so.Because I’v more than twenty years experience in this field.
• I didn.t get many opportunities to speak English. We‘ve a proverb says “Think twice and talk once” It could be a tip of this subject.
• Reading much more things such as book, newspaper, article etc. make you acquire fluency in speech.
15/11/2021 15:01
Tottenham Hotspur
• I’ve had job interview a few times.I was very excited and nervous.I would like to teach finance or accounting.I think so.Because I’v more than twenty years experience in this field.
• I didn.t get many opportunities to speak English. We‘ve a proverb says “Think twice and talk once” It could be a tip of this subject.
• Reading much more things such as book, newspaper, article etc. make you acquire fluency in speech.
so fantastic lesson and my students enjoy learning so much.Thanks.
20/03/2021 03:35
Newcastle United
so fantastic lesson and my students enjoy learning so much.Thanks.
This week's football phrase is ( practice )
18/05/2020 12:18
Manchester United
This week's football phrase is ( practice )
When I first arrived to Turkey a long time ago , I started to speak English with people till I learnt how to speak Turkish
I still use English only in my classes and with my foreign friends
My first and foremost advice is to be confident and don't be intimidated from making mistakes. Just go for it and the more you talk to others , the more you will be fluent
18/05/2020 12:17
Manchester United
When I first arrived to Turkey a long time ago , I started to speak English with people till I learnt how to speak Turkish
I still use English only in my classes and with my foreign friends
My first and foremost advice is to be confident and don't be intimidated from making mistakes. Just go for it and the more you talk to others , the more you will be fluent
I'd like to be a football coach too to apply my footballing skills and coaching study to my new youngsters
And to stay fit and healthy too :)
18/05/2020 12:14
Manchester United
I'd like to be a football coach too to apply my footballing skills and coaching study to my new youngsters
And to stay fit and healthy too :)
I have had several job interviews and they are quite nice but I usually feel nervous before it with lots of preparation but when it starts , it goes well
18/05/2020 12:11
Manchester United
I have had several job interviews and they are quite nice but I usually feel nervous before it with lots of preparation but when it starts , it goes well
Very usefull!!!Thanks.
27/09/2017 09:35
Very usefull!!!Thanks.
the answer is training drill
07/09/2017 00:26
Manchester United
the answer is training drill
The footbalphrase is coach
10/07/2017 14:23
Manchester United
The footbalphrase is coach
I would like to be a coach too.it may be stressful but it is fun.
04/07/2017 20:03
I would like to be a coach too.it may be stressful but it is fun.
No i had not a job interview before,but i hate them because i may become stress and under pressure,but thank you for the tips Rich and Jack,they are very useful and i hope they will help me in the future.
04/07/2017 20:01
No i had not a job interview before,but i hate them because i may become stress and under pressure,but thank you for the tips Rich and Jack,they are very useful and i hope they will help me in the future.
The football phrase is drills
28/06/2017 17:50
Manchester City
The football phrase is drills
Yes, the answer is training drill! Have you tried this week's podcast?
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
29/06/2017 08:15
Yes, the answer is training drill! Have you tried this week's podcast?
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
Yes, the answer is training drill! Have you tried this week's podcast?
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
29/06/2017 08:14
Yes, the answer is training drill! Have you tried this week's podcast?
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
Thank you,Rich♥
18/06/2017 18:38
Thank you,Rich♥
It was really educative.
14/06/2017 19:08
It was really educative.
I have had the opportunity to be a coach of my local area team for a friendly match and we were just fortune to have drawn our match in the dying minutes of the game based on a change i made from the bench. I must say its not easy being a coach.
14/06/2017 14:59
Manchester United
I have had the opportunity to be a coach of my local area team for a friendly match and we were just fortune to have drawn our match in the dying minutes of the game based on a change i made from the bench. I must say its not easy being a coach.
I have ever had some job interviews with my latest interview happening last year for my summer internship. I was quite nervous because this was my first time having to attend an interview with a multinational organization but it performed very well per my scores and got the opportunity to work as an intern. I really like interviews because it puts one on his or her toes to respond to issues within a short time.
14/06/2017 14:56
Manchester United
I have ever had some job interviews with my latest interview happening last year for my summer internship. I was quite nervous because this was my first time having to attend an interview with a multinational organization but it performed very well per my scores and got the opportunity to work as an intern. I really like interviews because it puts one on his or her toes to respond to issues within a short time.
This week's phrase is ******** *****
13/06/2017 23:46
Manchester United
This week's phrase is ******** *****
The football phrase is training session
13/06/2017 20:27
The football phrase is training session
A good guess, DVD_023 but not the answer we're looking for.
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
13/06/2017 21:03
A good guess, DVD_023 but not the answer we're looking for.
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
The football phrase is '******** *****'.
12/06/2017 15:48
Manchester United
The football phrase is '******** *****'.
the phrase is ' ******** ***** ' .
12/06/2017 12:56
Wolverhampton Wanderers
the phrase is ' ******** ***** ' .
You might have noticed that some of my comments are doubled, acually I was facing an unusual problem with comments submition yesterday, it seemed to me like the comments weren't submitted, that's why I started to rewrite them.
Anyhow sorry for that
12/06/2017 08:27
You might have noticed that some of my comments are doubled, acually I was facing an unusual problem with comments submition yesterday, it seemed to me like the comments weren't submitted, that's why I started to rewrite them.
Anyhow sorry for that
Correct me
I haven't tasted that feeling of being interviewed and that's because I've never been listed as a job applicant before. I'm fresh out of college at the moment and of course after finishing my National Service there's a big chance that I could be Involved in some job interviews.
Maybe somthing quite similar is when I have to speak in front of many people whon I don't know well, that puts me under a lot of preasure, sometimes my temperature raises despite the fine wether and I begin to feel thirsty. But I think job Interviews are even more stressful, let me wait and see how it looks!
12/06/2017 08:11
Correct me
I haven't tasted that feeling of being interviewed and that's because I've never been listed as a job applicant before. I'm fresh out of college at the moment and of course after finishing my National Service there's a big chance that I could be Involved in some job interviews.
Maybe somthing quite similar is when I have to speak in front of many people whon I don't know well, that puts me under a lot of preasure, sometimes my temperature raises despite the fine wether and I begin to feel thirsty. But I think job Interviews are even more stressful, let me wait and see how it looks!
Hi Ahmed Adam
Just a couple of things to focus on. I would use the collocation 'good chance' rather than 'big chance' and I would say 'let's see what happens' rather than 'let me wait and see how it looks'.
Hope that helps
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
12/06/2017 08:25
Hi Ahmed Adam
Just a couple of things to focus on. I would use the collocation 'good chance' rather than 'big chance' and I would say 'let's see what happens' rather than 'let me wait and see how it looks'.
Hope that helps
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
Thank you teacher, Rich.
your corrections are always helping
12/06/2017 11:09
Thank you teacher, Rich.
your corrections are always helping
Opportiunites to speak in English are not as they were before the split of my country. At that time I had a lot of neighbours as well as school friends from South Sudan region and English is their 1st language unlike the rest of the country where the first language is Arabic. Although English is still one of the two official languages in Sudan, but no one uses it in his everyday life.
11/06/2017 16:08
Opportiunites to speak in English are not as they were before the split of my country. At that time I had a lot of neighbours as well as school friends from South Sudan region and English is their 1st language unlike the rest of the country where the first language is Arabic. Although English is still one of the two official languages in Sudan, but no one uses it in his everyday life.
The phrase is "******** *****".
11/06/2017 16:05
Manchester United
The phrase is "******** *****".
Correct me
I would like to teach engineering sciences especially electric and I think I will be good at it; because I have the background or knowledge, some teaching skills and more importantly, I have the passion.
11/06/2017 15:53
Correct me
I would like to teach engineering sciences especially electric and I think I will be good at it; because I have the background or knowledge, some teaching skills and more importantly, I have the passion.
Hi Ahmed Adam
The main thing I would question here is 'electric science'. I think degrees and subjects are more commonly called 'electrical science'. In the UK, electrical engineering is much more common than electrical science. You could probably explain the difference (if any) better than me :)
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
12/06/2017 08:14
Hi Ahmed Adam
The main thing I would question here is 'electric science'. I think degrees and subjects are more commonly called 'electrical science'. In the UK, electrical engineering is much more common than electrical science. You could probably explain the difference (if any) better than me :)
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
Oops! Not electrical sciences, I mean "Engineering Sciences" which are taught in the 1st and 2nd levels they are the basics of egineering, then in the 3rd and 4th levels you will be studying electrical engineering in much more detail. Finally in the fifit year you will be specialized in Power system, control System or Telecomunications
12/06/2017 11:02
Oops! Not electrical sciences, I mean "Engineering Sciences" which are taught in the 1st and 2nd levels they are the basics of egineering, then in the 3rd and 4th levels you will be studying electrical engineering in much more detail. Finally in the fifit year you will be specialized in Power system, control System or Telecomunications
Correct me, please
I would like to teach engineering sciences especially electric and I think I will be good at it; because I have the background or knowledge, some teaching skills and more importantly, I have the passion.
11/06/2017 15:52
Correct me, please
I would like to teach engineering sciences especially electric and I think I will be good at it; because I have the background or knowledge, some teaching skills and more importantly, I have the passion.
The phrase is "******** ******"
11/06/2017 15:30
The phrase is "******** ******"
I haven't tasted that feeling because I haven't applied for any job untill this moment, of course after I finish my National Service there's a big chance that I could be Involved in some. Maybe Something that I think would be quite similar, is when I have to speak in front of a lot of people whom I don't know well. My temperature raises despite the fine weather and I start to feel thirsty, but I think Job interviews are even more stressfull. Let me wait and see how it looks!
11/06/2017 15:29
I haven't tasted that feeling because I haven't applied for any job untill this moment, of course after I finish my National Service there's a big chance that I could be Involved in some. Maybe Something that I think would be quite similar, is when I have to speak in front of a lot of people whom I don't know well. My temperature raises despite the fine weather and I start to feel thirsty, but I think Job interviews are even more stressfull. Let me wait and see how it looks!
The football phrase is 'practice skill'
11/06/2017 10:17
Manchester United
The football phrase is 'practice skill'
The phrase is 'training skill'.
11/06/2017 01:42
Manchester United
The phrase is 'training skill'.
Hi Phhchuong123
You're almost right. Have another guess.
Jack - The Premier Skills English Team
11/06/2017 08:27
Hi Phhchuong123
You're almost right. Have another guess.
Jack - The Premier Skills English Team
I've never had job interviews but I'm going to do this in a month. In this case all the offered tips are very useful for me. I've also thought about being a coach or even a manager but my education is not suitable for that job, I suppose. Not sure that getting a coach license will be enough to be a high-quality coach. However, hope that you will offer me an assistant coach job if you succeed, Rich :D
I don't have a plenty of opportunities to speak English but everything will be able to change if I get a job in the international company related to football with HQ in Moscow.
The football phrase is '******** *****'.
10/06/2017 21:12
Manchester City
I've never had job interviews but I'm going to do this in a month. In this case all the offered tips are very useful for me. I've also thought about being a coach or even a manager but my education is not suitable for that job, I suppose. Not sure that getting a coach license will be enough to be a high-quality coach. However, hope that you will offer me an assistant coach job if you succeed, Rich :D
I don't have a plenty of opportunities to speak English but everything will be able to change if I get a job in the international company related to football with HQ in Moscow.
The football phrase is '******** *****'.
This phrase is 'football pitch'.
10/06/2017 14:14
Manchester United
This phrase is 'football pitch'.
Hi Phhchuong123
You've made some good guesses but they're not the phrases we're looking for, sorry. I'll give you another clue: It's something players do to get better at something!
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
10/06/2017 14:25
Hi Phhchuong123
You've made some good guesses but they're not the phrases we're looking for, sorry. I'll give you another clue: It's something players do to get better at something!
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
Thank you, Rich.
11/06/2017 01:39
Manchester United
Thank you, Rich.
This phrase is 'football field'.
10/06/2017 14:13
Manchester United
This phrase is 'football field'.
today's word is '' ******** ***** ''
10/06/2017 13:10
today's word is '' ******** ***** ''
Job interview are really stressing and I missed a teaching carreer when I lose a chance to study in USA in 1977.
I would like to teach history awarding learners with historical pictures when they are successful in answering quizz just like my French teacher has done it when I was on primary school.
I have no opportunities to speak English in my current life in Algeria. I speak usually French, arabic and Berberic. Nevertheless I currently listen a lot of English in radio and movies as well as courses.
football phrase, ******* ******.
09/06/2017 18:22
Manchester City
Job interview are really stressing and I missed a teaching carreer when I lose a chance to study in USA in 1977.
I would like to teach history awarding learners with historical pictures when they are successful in answering quizz just like my French teacher has done it when I was on primary school.
I have no opportunities to speak English in my current life in Algeria. I speak usually French, arabic and Berberic. Nevertheless I currently listen a lot of English in radio and movies as well as courses.
football phrase, ******* ******.
I think that this week’s phrase is the “******** *****”.
09/06/2017 15:00
I think that this week’s phrase is the “******** *****”.
The football phrase is 'football coach'.
09/06/2017 14:18
Manchester United
The football phrase is 'football coach'.