Teaching Grammar: Daily Routines
Teaching Grammar: Daily Routines
This lesson focusses on speaking and grammar connected to daily routines. The lesson can be used with one of the webcomics available on Premier Skills English.
There are language tasks and activities for your students, a focus on pronunciation, a main speaking task and extension activities.
Find the full lesson plan and all the worksheets you need in the downloads section on the side of this page.
Lesson Plan
Do you feel like you could plan your days better? Not enough time to do your homework? Always feeling tired? This lesson focuses on giving advice to improve your daily routines. This lesson links to the webcomic ‘Dedication’ on the Premier Skills website.
B1 / B2 (intermediate to upper intermediate)
Teenagers and adults
90 minutes
This lesson is flexible and can be used over two different classes or one 90-minute class. You can also extend or shorten some of the steps depending on the level and needs of your students.
- Worksheets: Lesson Plan and Materials Pack
- Webcomic: Dedication
You can find the worksheets and a copy of this lesson plan in the download section on the right-hand side of this page.
1. Lead-in
Show students the first image in the webcomic (Lucas arriving late).
Ask students to brainstorm reasons for why he might be late for training.
Display the first page of the comic so they can check the real reason (getting up late/ going to bed late).
2. Information Gap
Tell students that they are about to read a text about Lucas’ daily routine, but there is some missing information. They need to formulate questions to ask their partner for the missing information.
Cut up worksheet 1 and give half the class the Student A worksheet, and the other half the Student B worksheet.
Student As prepare their questions for the missing information together
Student Bs prepare their questions for the missing information together.
Create pairs so student As are working with student Bs.
Students A and B ask their questions and complete the worksheet.
Feedback: Ask: ‘Does Lucas have a good or bad daily routine?' Why/Why not?
Ask students if they think Lucas needs help? Explain that they’re going to try and help Lucas later in the lesson.
3. Vocabulary Building
Ask students to look at the list of activities worksheet 2 and decide if they think they would be good for Lucas’s routine or not. Add them to the correct column in the table.
(These ideas will prepare students for the lesson’s final task.)
4. Grammar Focus
Tell students they’re going to read another page from the webcomic - page 5.
Ask students to find two pieces of advice which Lucas is given.
- If you show a bit more dedication and hard work, (I’m sure) the coach will give you another chance.
- If you come to the extra training sessions, I’ll give you another chance.
- Are we talking about the past, present or future?
- Are these things likely to happen or unlikely to happen?
- If + subject + present simple, subject + will + infinitive verb
5. Pronunciation
Focus on the two examples again. Ask:
- Which example uses a contraction on ‘will’? (the second)
- Why do we do this? (it's easier to say)
- How do we contract and say other pronouns with ‘will’?
Write on board: 'I’ll ...' 'We’ll ...', 'You’ll ...', 'They’ll ...', 'It’ll ...', 'She’ll ...', 'He’ll ...'.
Listen and repeat the contractions with the whole class. Ask students to think of short example sentences and drill the pronunciation in pairs.
6. Controlled Practice 1
7. Controlled Practice 2
- Lost your wallet
- Late for school
- Feel sick
- Don’t understand your teacher
- Argue with parents
- Want to buy new shoes
8. Task
Ask students to look back at a day in the life of Lucas worksheet 1.
They are now going to help Lucas by giving him some advice. The best advice will be passed on to Lucas.
Ask students to rank the problems with Lucas’ lifestyle or daily routine. The worst activity being number 1.
In pairs, students decide on the best advice they could give to Lucas to improve his daily routine.
Students write down their advice and ideas.
Mingle: Students walk around the room and share their ideas and advice with other pairs.
Students check for any advice that is the same as their advice and decide what most people think Lucas should do differently.
Feedback: What was the most popular advice?
Task Extension
Give students a copy of the webcomic ‘Dedication’ or a link to the webcomic.
Students read the full story and find out what happens to Lucas.
Ask students to note down any advice that was offered and whether Lucas followed the advice or not.
Did the story finish with a happy ending? Why?
We hope you enjoy the lesson!
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whe lessons are free here? iam new, just registred.
10/03/2023 15:32
Manchester United
whe lessons are free here? iam new, just registred.
I'm not sure I quite understand your question, but all of the lesson plans are free on this website.
12/03/2023 15:28
I'm not sure I quite understand your question, but all of the lesson plans are free on this website.
Very good lesson for my students.
20/10/2021 09:08
Manchester United
Very good lesson for my students.
If clauses,wonderful lessons.
10/10/2020 09:30
Newcastle United
If clauses,wonderful lessons.