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Manchester City's Fernandinho going to the match by train.

Understanding Grammar: Just & Yet

Understanding Grammar: Just & Yet

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Rowan and Jack are waiting for Rich at the train station. RIch is usually late and likes to do things at the last minute but Jack decides to teach Rich a lesson. The language focus is on how we use 'just' and 'yet' with the present perfect. In this week's task, we want you to tell us about something you did at the last minute. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.


If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.
Read and listen at the same time.

Understanding Grammar: Just & Yet

Jack: Hello my name’s Jack

Rowan: My name’s Rowan

Rich: and I’m Rich 

Rowan: And welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast.

Jack: In the Premier Skills English podcast, we talk about football and help you with your English. 

Rowan: Don’t forget you can find the transcript for all our podcasts on the Premier Skills English website.

Rich: In this week’s roleplay, we’re doing things at the last minute. Well, I’m doing things at the last-minute and Rowan and Jack are waiting for me.

Jack: You always do things at the last minute and you’re often late or miss things all together. 

Rowan: And you are so relaxed and casual about it. Never worrying or getting stressed even if other people are.

Jack: Well, in this podcast, Rowan and I are waiting, as usual, for Rich to arrive. This time at the train station because we’re going to the match together.

Rowan: But this time we teach him a bit of a lesson so it’s not only us getting stressed out because of Rich doing things at the last possible moment.

Rich: After the roleplay, we’re going to focus on grammar this week and we’re looking at how we use the words just and yet.

Jack: And your task this week is to tell us something that you did at the last minute.

Rowan: If you are listening to us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or any other podcast platform, you should also check out our website.

Rich: On the Premier Skills English website you’ll also find 
the transcript, examples and activities to help you understand the language, and a task for you to complete.

Jack: You’ll also find a community of friendly listeners to interact with, in our comments section.

Rowan: And that includes us - we’re always around to answer questions and join in the discussions.

Rich: But if you listen on Apple Podcasts you can always write your answers to our questions or any other comments in the review section.

Jack: Before we do the roleplay let’s look back at last week’s football phrase.

Last week’s Football Phrase 

Rowan: If you didn’t hear our football phrase last week we’re going to give you one more chance to guess now. 

Rich: The phrase was **** *******. This is a phrase that connects football and the weather. The phrase is used to describe a player who hasn’t scored for a long time. Manchester United's Anthony Martial ended his **** ******* this week when he got his first of the season. The second word in this phrase is a weather word that is used to describe the weather when it hasn’t rained for a long time.

Jack: Daniel Baron from Colombia was first again with the correct answer last week. Well done Daniel!

Rowan: Did anyone else get it right last week?

Rich: Yes. A big well done to the following listeners who also got the right answer: Max Alex from Vietnam, MoBeckham and HSN from Turkey, Liubomyr from Ukraine, Ahmed Adam Mamado from Sudan, Idzingirai from Zimbabwe,  Jhon Baron Oliveros from Colombia, Marco Zapien from Mexico,  Emmanuel from France, Robert Tavares from Brazil, Elghoul from Algeria and Owenluk from Hong Kong.

Jack: It was nice to hear from a few of our listeners who shared their experiences of missing chances last week. Vic from Mexico told us about skying a chance as a 14-year-old. Robert Tavares from Brazil told us about hitting a penalty straight at the goalkeeper although the story had a happy ending and HSN from Turkey told us about missing a sitter.

Rowan: It was nice to read about your experiences - we all miss sometimes. It was also nice to see you using the language to describe missing chances we used in last week’s podcast.

Rich: If you haven’t heard this podcast it’s called Football English: Missing Chances and you can find it on the Premier Skills English website or on Apple Podcasts.

Introduction to Roleplay

Rich: As we said earlier, in this week’s roleplay we’re at the train station, well, to be more exact, Rowan and Jack are at the train station but I’m not there yet.

Rowan: We’re just sitting around waiting for you as usual.

Jack: While you listen we want you to answer two questions:

Rich: Question one: What do I forget?

Rowan: And question two: Who is stressed in the end?


Jack: He should be here by now. Why does Rich always have to arrive at the last minute?

Rowan: Just give him a call. I’m sure he’s on his way. He’d better be. He’s got the match tickets.

Jack: You’re right. The train will be here in 20 minutes. I’ll give him a ring.

Rich: Jack! How are you doing? Are you not at the train station yet? I know you like to get there in good time in case the train is early.

Jack: Haven’t you set off yet? It comes in at a quarter to and it’s half past now.

Rich: You sound a bit flustered. No need to panic yet, Jack. I’ve just put my lucky socks on. I’ll be with you in ten.

Rowan: Ask him if he’s got the tickets. 

Jack: You’ve got the tickets?

Rich: I’ve just stuck them in my back pocket. We’ve got plenty of time.

Jack: Get a move on. You don’t want to miss the train.

Rich: I’m just locking up now. No need to get all stressed out, Jack. Don’t worry. See you in a bit.

Rowan: Hasn’t he set off yet?

Jack: He’s on his way.

Rowan: And he’s got the tickets?

Jack: Don’t worry about the tickets. I’ve got a plan, listen ...

Jack: The train’s going to be here at any moment and Rich hasn’t arrived yet. Typical.

Rowan: Here it comes now. Where is he?

Jack: Look! Here he comes.

Rich: Hey guys! Why are you just standing around? The train’s here. Let’s get on.

Rowan: Just in the nick of time as always. It’s only just arrived. What kept you?

Jack: You’ve got the tickets?

Rich: Train ticket? Day return to Manchester. Twenty quid. A bargain.

Rowan: Not your train ticket. The match tickets. 

Rich: Oh. Oh! I’ve left them in the car! Wait! Tell them not to set off. I’ll just be two minutes. Don’t let it leave without me.

Rowan: Do you think he’s going to make it?

Jack: I don’t care. It serves him right.

Rowan: Do you think he knows that the football club emails electronic tickets to everyone?

Jack: I doubt it.

Rowan: Look through the window. He’s not as fit as he used to be.

Rich: I just made it in time.

Rowan: The train’s been delayed. We’re not setting off for half an hour yet.

Rich: You could have told me before I sprinted back to the car park. I’m knackered.

Rowan: You didn’t ask.  I saw you go up those stairs over there. I’d say it was a light jog rather than a sprint.

Jack: You do look a bit out of breath - a bit flustered. Have you got your breath back yet?

Rich: Worth it though ... I got the tickets. Look!

Rowan: We don’t need them. 

Rich: What do you mean?

Jack: Electronic tickets, Rich. On my phone.

Rich: What? You mean you made me run all that way?

Rowan: You’re looking a bit flustered Rich.

Jack: A bit hot and bothered. You need to take it easy.

Language Focus

Rich: Before the roleplay, we asked you two questions. The first question was: What did I forget?

Jack: Rich forgot the match tickets. I reminded him on the phone and he put them in his pocket but then he left them in the car. 

Rowan: But Jack knew RIch would probably forget and knew he had the tickets on his phone but didn’t tell Rich. He wanted to stress him out for a change.

Rich: So, that’s the answer to our second question: Who was more stressed in the end?

Jack: Yes, it was Rich. Rowan was stressed at the beginning and I was a little but I decided to teach Rich a lesson.

Rich: It was a little mean but I deserved it.

Rowan: Will it stop you doing things at the last minute?

Rich: Probably not.

Jack: We said before the roleplay that we were going to focus on grammar this week and specifically we’re going to look at how we use two words: just and yet. Let’s take two example sentences from the roleplay: 

Rich: I’ve just put my lucky socks on.

Rowan: Hasn’t he set off yet?

Jack: Both of these sentences use the present perfect. The present perfect is often used to talk about things that have happened recently; in the recent past.

Rich: We create the present perfect by using the auxiliary verb have followed by the verb in the third form or the past participle. 

Rowan: Past participles, like Rich said, are the third form of the verb. The third form in these lists: do, did, done; take, took, taken and go, went, gone.

Jack: Both of our example sentences use the present perfect to talk about things in the recent past. The first example uses just.

Rich: I’ve just put my socks on.

Jack: And the second uses yet.

Rowan: Hasn’t he set off yet?

Jack: Just means a short time before; a little time ago in the past. Rich didn’t put his socks on two hours ago - he’s just done it - maybe a minute ago.

Rich: When we use just in this way with the present perfect we put it between the auxiliary verb have and the main verb. I’ve just put ... I’ve just put my socks on.

Rowan: Here are some other examples from the roleplay:

Rich:  I’ve just stuck the tickets in my back pocket. 

Rowan: The train’s only just arrived.

Jack: Our other example sentence ‘hasn’t he set off yet’ uses the word yet. Again, yet is often used with the present perfect and it means at any time up to now; at any time right up to this moment. 

Rich: When we use yet in this way with the present perfect we put yet at the end of a negative sentence or a question - hasn’t he set off yet? Has he left the house yet? - he hasn’t set off yet.

Rowan: We only use yet in the negative and questions and we often use it to emphasise that we expect something to happen soon or right away.

Jack: In the roleplay, Rich is still at home and I am surprised because I expected him to have left already so I say Haven’t you set off yet?

Rich: Here are some other examples from the roleplay:

Jack: Have you got your breath back yet?

Rowan: The train’s going to be here at any moment and Rich hasn’t arrived yet.

Rich: Using just and yet with the present perfect is one way these words are used and it’s one of the most common.

Jack: In the roleplay, you may have heard these words being used in other structures: ‘I’m just locking up now’ or ‘no need to panic yet’.

Rich: We’re using different forms here but just and yet have the same meaning and are used in the same way with just after the auxiliary and yet at the end of the sentence.

Rowan: Just and yet can also have different meanings. We may use yet for emphasis. Listen to this: My team Fulham lost yet again at the weekend, but they didn’t - they actually won. It’s just an example.

Jack: And just can be used to mean only, exactly or simply.

Rich: It was just a perfect performance by Liverpool.

Jack: Gary Neville looks just like Phil Neville.

Rowan: The ticket was just £20. A bargain.

Rich: And there are lots of fixed phrases we can use with just: just in time, just a minute, just now or it was just a joke.

Jack: We’ve got lots more about the words just and yet on the lesson page for this podcast on the Premier Skills English website. Just look for understanding grammar: just & yet on the homepage or in the podcast section.


Rowan: In this week’s task, we want you to tell us about something you did or do at the last minute.

Jack: Maybe you can think of a time that you did something at the last minute that had negative consequences.

Rich: Maybe you missed a plane, a train or a bus to an important event.

Rowan: Maybe you didn’t prepare or revise for an exam or an interview until the last moment.

Jack: Do you normally do things at the last minute like Rich?

Rowan: Or are you more like Jack and like to prepare things in advance and get to places in plenty of time. 

Jack: Write all your answers in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website or Apple Podcasts if that’s where you listen to us.


Rich: Have you got a football phrase for us, Rowan?

Rowan: I have. This week’s football phrase is * ******* ***-*****. The phrase is used to describe a player who scores three goals in a match but not just that. To score * ******* ***-***** you need to score one goal with your left foot, one with your right foot and a goal with your head.

Jack: I think a few of you should get this one. If you are still wondering what the answer was to last week’s football phrase it was a goal drought.

Rich: Right, that’s all we have time for this week! Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below. If you get it right, we’ll announce your name on next week’s show. 

Rowan: If you have a question for us about football or English you can email us at

Jack: or you can leave your questions and comments on the website in the comments section or on our Facebook page.

Rich: or you could give us a rating and a fantastic review on Apple Podcasts.

Rowan: Bye for now and enjoy your football.


How much did you understand?

Here is the vocabulary you saw at the top of this page and how Rich and Jack used it in the roleplay. Do you know the words in bold?

The train will be here in 20 minutes. I’ll give him a ring.

You sound a bit flustered. No need to panic yet, Jack.

Get a move on. You don’t want to miss the train.

No need to get all stressed out, Jack. Don’t worry.

Train ticket? Day return to Manchester. Twenty quid. A bargain.

Tell them not to set off.

The train’s been delayed

You look a bit hot and bothered. You need to take it easy.

Listen to the roleplay again to hear how Rich and Jack used these words and phrases.

Has Aston Villa's Tyrone Mings missed his train?


Present Perfect with 'just'

In the roleplay, Rich, Rowan and Jack used the word 'just' a number of times. It's common to use just with the present perfect when we're talking about recent events in the past. When we use it in this way just means a short time before. When we use just with the present perfect we place it between have (the auxiliary verb) and the past participle (the third form of the verb). Take a look at these examples from the roleplay:

I’ve just put my lucky socks on.

I’ve just stuck the tickets in my back pocket. 

The train’s only just arrived.

Note: In British English, we use the present perfect more than in American English. In British English, when we are talking about recent events or connecting past actions with present results we usually use the present perfect but in American English, the past simple is often used. In British English, we usually use the present perfect with the adverbs just and yet but the past simple is usually used in American English.

Has Rich remembered the match tickets?


Present Perfect with 'yet'

In the roleplay, Rich, Rowan and Jack used the word 'yet' a number of times. It's common to use yet with the present perfect when we're talking about recent events in the past. When we use it in this way yet means at any time up to now. When we use yet with the present perfect, we only use it at the end of sentences and we only use it with negative sentences and questions. Take a look at these examples from the roleplay:

Has he not set off yet?

Have you got your breath back yet?

The train’s going to be here at any moment and Rich hasn’t arrived yet.

In this activity, check that you remember 

Activity 2

Activity 2: Look at some more sentences which use 'just' and 'yet' and think about how e can use these words in a sentence.
Can you complete the sentences?

Will the train leave without Rich?


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At the last minute!

Do you do things at the last minute?

Rich always does things at the last minute and in this week’s task, we want you to tell us about something you did at the last minute.

  • Think of a time that you did something at the last minute that had negative consequences.
  • Have you ever missed a plane, a train or a bus to an important event?
  • Maybe you didn’t prepare or revise for an exam or an interview until the last moment.
  1. Do you normally do things at the last minute like Rich?
  2. Or are you more like Jack and like to prepare things in advance and get to places in plenty of time? 

Write all your answers in the comments section below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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The phrase used to describe a player who scores three goals in a match,one goal with left foot, one with right foot and a goal with head : ******* ***-*****

14/11/2020 11:09

The phrase used to describe a player who scores three goals in a match,one goal with left foot, one with right foot and a goal with head : ******* ***-*****

mobeckham's picture

Frankly , I normally start thinking about things that I should do in an early stage but I end up doing it at the last minute maybe because I want to do it in a very proper way :)

So I think my actions are like Rich but my mindset is like Jack :)

mobeckham's picture
12/11/2020 13:32
Manchester United

Frankly , I normally start thinking about things that I should do in an early stage but I end up doing it at the last minute maybe because I want to do it in a very proper way :)

So I think my actions are like Rich but my mindset is like Jack :)

mobeckham's picture

I have missed my domestic plane once when I was travelling from Izmir to Istanbul as I went to the shopping centre near the airport to bring some cosmetics and new shoes for my family and my ex girlfriend whereas unfortunately when I sprinted to the airport , I was informed that the check in was just closed. So I had to book the next flight heading to Istanbul.
Luckily , I reached on time for my international flight or I might have paid a fortune.

mobeckham's picture
12/11/2020 13:28
Manchester United

I have missed my domestic plane once when I was travelling from Izmir to Istanbul as I went to the shopping centre near the airport to bring some cosmetics and new shoes for my family and my ex girlfriend whereas unfortunately when I sprinted to the airport , I was informed that the check in was just closed. So I had to book the next flight heading to Istanbul.
Luckily , I reached on time for my international flight or I might have paid a fortune.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

'* ******* ***-*****'

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
11/11/2020 02:05

'* ******* ***-*****'

Robert Tavares's picture
Robert Tavares

Hi everyone!
In my country, Brazil, there are a bad habit: we frequently let everything to the last minute. So, as a tipical Brazilian citizen, I let some things to the last minute frequently. The main one is get in the work place at the right time. But it's not my fault. The traffic is horrible! Lol

Robert Tavares's picture
Robert Tavares
10/11/2020 21:41
Leeds United

Hi everyone!
In my country, Brazil, there are a bad habit: we frequently let everything to the last minute. So, as a tipical Brazilian citizen, I let some things to the last minute frequently. The main one is get in the work place at the right time. But it's not my fault. The traffic is horrible! Lol

Robert Tavares's picture
Robert Tavares

Hi mates!
The football phase is: * ******* ***-*****
See ya!

Robert Tavares's picture
Robert Tavares
10/11/2020 21:20
Leeds United

Hi mates!
The football phase is: * ******* ***-*****
See ya!

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the phrase is "* ******* ***-*****"

Liubomyr's picture
10/11/2020 10:43

I think that the phrase is "* ******* ***-*****"

elghoul's picture

Amar is a dreaming man. I am not saying that he has lots of projects but only that his eyes seem like he is drown in some grey or dark world.

The funniest miss he suffered from happened when as a labour Union member he was called to a meeting with official authorities at exactly eight o'clock in the morning. The day after  he was at the right time but not at the right place. The meeting began at the People House when Amar was 5 miles from here at People Mansion.


elghoul's picture
09/11/2020 12:39
Manchester City

Amar is a dreaming man. I am not saying that he has lots of projects but only that his eyes seem like he is drown in some grey or dark world.

The funniest miss he suffered from happened when as a labour Union member he was called to a meeting with official authorities at exactly eight o'clock in the morning. The day after  he was at the right time but not at the right place. The meeting began at the People House when Amar was 5 miles from here at People Mansion.



The phrase is ***-*****

09/11/2020 00:18
Manchester United

The phrase is ***-*****

Rich's picture

HI Balqees and welcome to Premier Skills English!

You have one part of the phrase but not the other. We want to know the type of ***-*****. Do you want to have another guess?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
09/11/2020 08:11

HI Balqees and welcome to Premier Skills English!

You have one part of the phrase but not the other. We want to know the type of ***-*****. Do you want to have another guess?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

hsn's picture

I describe myself as restless person. I never and ever do things at the last minutes. It makes me flustered and hot and bothered. I like to prepare things in advance. Planned life is my favourite. Actions must be taken place immediately just in time. No postpone no delay-:)

Unfortunately I’ve a bad experience on this topic. I was in a city in the south-east of Turkey for business purpose.I have to return to home in order to attend an important meeting at the week-end by the plane. The closest airport was about one and half hours from city by bus. The plane would set off on friday at 15.45 p.m.

On mentioned day, I got on the bus two point half hours before above mentioned time. I supposed that I could easily reach to the airport .

Alas! I didn’t know that in this region counties are very close to each other. It means there are many bus stations to pick up passengers.

After one point half hours the bus hasn’t arrived to the destination yet. It should have got move on. In the end, I’ve just got at the airport without time for check-in. Thanks God! There was a delay. No matter being late except objections of the flight officer.

I only know last two words of football phrase; *** ***** After searching on internet I figure out others.

hsn's picture
08/11/2020 17:46
Tottenham Hotspur

I describe myself as restless person. I never and ever do things at the last minutes. It makes me flustered and hot and bothered. I like to prepare things in advance. Planned life is my favourite. Actions must be taken place immediately just in time. No postpone no delay-:)

Unfortunately I’ve a bad experience on this topic. I was in a city in the south-east of Turkey for business purpose.I have to return to home in order to attend an important meeting at the week-end by the plane. The closest airport was about one and half hours from city by bus. The plane would set off on friday at 15.45 p.m.

On mentioned day, I got on the bus two point half hours before above mentioned time. I supposed that I could easily reach to the airport .

Alas! I didn’t know that in this region counties are very close to each other. It means there are many bus stations to pick up passengers.

After one point half hours the bus hasn’t arrived to the destination yet. It should have got move on. In the end, I’ve just got at the airport without time for check-in. Thanks God! There was a delay. No matter being late except objections of the flight officer.

I only know last two words of football phrase; *** ***** After searching on internet I figure out others.

Cho Euihyeong

today's football quiz answer is * ******* ***-***** thanks

Cho Euihyeong
08/11/2020 16:22
South Korea
Manchester United

today's football quiz answer is * ******* ***-***** thanks

elghoul's picture

Hi there,

Hope every one is safe and healthy.

I think the phrase is '* ******* ***-*****'

Keep maintening your mind and spirit during this pandemic.

elghoul's picture
08/11/2020 14:33
Manchester City

Hi there,

Hope every one is safe and healthy.

I think the phrase is '* ******* ***-*****'

Keep maintening your mind and spirit during this pandemic.

ldzingirai's picture

Football Phrase

******* ***-***** is when a player scores three goals with different body parts in a single match.

ldzingirai's picture
08/11/2020 04:09

Football Phrase

******* ***-***** is when a player scores three goals with different body parts in a single match.


The phrase is ******* ***-*****

08/11/2020 00:26
Manchester City

The phrase is ******* ***-*****


When I was student I usually left things to do to the last minute, for example, at exam days i had a lot time to study but i preferred play or went out with friends, and one day before the exam i used to study, and i got stresed out becouse i felt that i didn't have a lot time.

08/11/2020 00:22
Manchester City

When I was student I usually left things to do to the last minute, for example, at exam days i had a lot time to study but i preferred play or went out with friends, and one day before the exam i used to study, and i got stresed out becouse i felt that i didn't have a lot time.

Emmanuel's picture

Hi everyone,
The phrase is * ******* ***-*****
Have a good week-end

Emmanuel's picture
07/11/2020 13:05
Manchester City

Hi everyone,
The phrase is * ******* ***-*****
Have a good week-end

Max Alex's picture
Max Alex

... to score one goal with your left foot, one with your right foot, and a goal with your head.
My answer to the football phrase is:* ******* ***-*****
Thank you.

Max Alex's picture
Max Alex
07/11/2020 07:25
Tottenham Hotspur

... to score one goal with your left foot, one with your right foot, and a goal with your head.
My answer to the football phrase is:* ******* ***-*****
Thank you.


* ******* ***-*****

07/11/2020 05:21
Manchester United

* ******* ***-*****


I think the phrase is * ******* ***-*****

07/11/2020 04:06

I think the phrase is * ******* ***-*****

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

The Phrase is * ******* ***-*****

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
07/11/2020 02:43

The Phrase is * ******* ***-*****


Well I hate people doing things in tha last minute, its like a hit in my belly, sorry Rich its true!.
But, being honestly, sometimes I made thing in the last minute, like search a document o the keys, alway the keys hidden at home.
One time, arrived to late at home and the next day I have to deliver a document, but I don´t put the document at the night in my messenger, I decied put that at the morning (next day), at the morning I forgot the document, and the person put a bad mood with me.
Always prepare my stuff for the next day or for event, including I thing in the worst situation, my best friend alway tellme Vic, you like Felix the cat, with you magic messenger has a umbrella, plastic bag, pen, sunglasses, coins, oyster card (we similar card at CDMX), or sometimes she call me Rico like the pengüin of Madagscar.

06/11/2020 23:36

Well I hate people doing things in tha last minute, its like a hit in my belly, sorry Rich its true!.
But, being honestly, sometimes I made thing in the last minute, like search a document o the keys, alway the keys hidden at home.
One time, arrived to late at home and the next day I have to deliver a document, but I don´t put the document at the night in my messenger, I decied put that at the morning (next day), at the morning I forgot the document, and the person put a bad mood with me.
Always prepare my stuff for the next day or for event, including I thing in the worst situation, my best friend alway tellme Vic, you like Felix the cat, with you magic messenger has a umbrella, plastic bag, pen, sunglasses, coins, oyster card (we similar card at CDMX), or sometimes she call me Rico like the pengüin of Madagscar.


*** *****

06/11/2020 23:25

*** *****

Rich's picture

HI Vic

You have one part of the phrase but not the other. We want to know the type of ***-*****. Do you want to have another guess?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
09/11/2020 08:12

HI Vic

You have one part of the phrase but not the other. We want to know the type of ***-*****. Do you want to have another guess?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team


Hi, this is Owen LUK from Hong Kong. I reckon the football phrase this week is * ******* ***-*****

06/11/2020 23:01
Hong Kong S.A.R., China

Hi, this is Owen LUK from Hong Kong. I reckon the football phrase this week is * ******* ***-*****

Marco Zapien's picture
Marco Zapien

* ******* ***-*****

Marco Zapien's picture
Marco Zapien
06/11/2020 20:22
Wolverhampton Wanderers

* ******* ***-*****

mobeckham's picture

This week’s football phrase must be a * ******* ***-***** because I just scored it last weekend with my team and my British teammate congratulated me by that expression :)

mobeckham's picture
06/11/2020 17:54
Manchester United

This week’s football phrase must be a * ******* ***-***** because I just scored it last weekend with my team and my British teammate congratulated me by that expression :)

wsanta's picture

I think the phrase is * ******* ***-*****

wsanta's picture
06/11/2020 17:38
Leeds United

I think the phrase is * ******* ***-*****

Daniel_Baron1503's picture

The phrase of the week is * ******* ***-*****

Daniel_Baron1503's picture
06/11/2020 17:01

The phrase of the week is * ******* ***-*****

Rich's picture

Well done, Daniel. You were quick off the mark once again!

Rich's picture
09/11/2020 08:13

Well done, Daniel. You were quick off the mark once again!


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United147606
5Manchester City60104
6Tottenham Hotspur19517
7Newcastle United10664
8West Ham United7798
9Crystal Palace4705
10AFC Bournemouth4595


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Language: Present Perfect with 'just' and 'yet'

Task: Tell us about something you did at the last minute