Podcast 18
Podcast 18

In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich talk about being under pressure in the Premier League and some collocations with the word 'under'. Rich has another Premier League prediction and you get the chance to win a Samsung Galaxy Tablet in our brand new competition!
How much did you understand?
"Both managers came into the match under pressure."
"Eden Hazard has the ball under control."

Mourinho and Wenger were both under pressure before the match.
West Ham have had a great start to the season under Slaven Bilic.
Rich: Hello my name’s Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast.
Jack: Hi everyone. I’m Jack and every week we talk about football and help you with your English.
Rich: This week, we’re going to talk about pressure in the Premier League, some collocations with the word under and I’m going to make another Premier League prediction.
Jack: That’s right! And we also have our brilliant new competition for you. You can win a fantastic Samsung Galaxy Tablet in our new Premier Skills English ‘What’s my team?’ competition. You’re going to listen to a riddle from a Premier League fan. If you can work out which team the fan supports, you might win a prize.
Rich: If you don’t win this week, we’ll have another fan talking about another team in next week’s podcast and the week after that. In fact, we’re going to be giving away a Samsung Galaxy Tablet in the next 20 Podcasts! We’ll tell you more about how you can win the ‘What’s my team?’ competition later on!
Jack: But, before we start: we recently had a comment from Gilbers51 from Brazil. He wanted to know what has happened to the leaderboard on the site and to all of his points.
Rich: Just like the Premier League we have started a new season.
Jack: This gives new users of Premier Skills English an opportunity to get to the top of our leaderboards and be Premier Skills English Champions 2015/16.
Rich: Congratulations Rema, from Serbia who finished top in 2014/15. He got an amazing 1,332 points - send us an email with your address... we’ve got a prize for you.
Jack: Yes, it was a fantastic performance and we hope that all the language activities have helped him with his English.
Rich: If you want to know all the results from Premier Skills English 2014/15 I’ve put a link on the side of this page.
Jack: If there is phrase or word that you’re not sure how to use.
Rich: Or like GIlbers51, you have a question about the Premier Skills English website, then leave us a comment below and we’ll get back to you either in the comments section or maybe in a future podcast.
Jack: There were some great matches in the Premier League last weekend. West Ham beat Manchester City and Leicester are the only Premier League team that haven’t lost a game this season.
Rich: West Ham have now won away matches at Manchester City, Liverpool and Arsenal. They’re having a great start to the season under their new manager - the Croatian Slaven Bilic.
Jack: But the big game was, of course, Chelsea against Arsenal.
Rich: Both managers came into the match under pressure. Jose Mourinho’s team had already lost three Premier League matches this season, which is the same amount that they lost in the whole of last season.
Jack: And Arsenal manager, Arsene Wenger is always under pressure when playing Chelsea - he has a terrible record against Jose Mourinho’s Chelsea team.
Rich: He hadn’t beaten Mourinho’s Chelsea in 13 matches.
Jack: And you can make that 14 now because Chelsea lifted the pressure on Mourinho with a 2-0 win.
Rich: There were a couple of interesting expressions or collocations that we used with the word under there.
Jack: Yes, you said West Ham are having a great start to the season under their new manager.
Rich: Here. under is used to mean represented by or controlled by so you can say the restaurant is under new management or the student wrote an excellent essay under the guidance of the professor.
Jack: You also said that the two managers were under pressure before the match. In this case, under means facing or experiencing, so managers experience a lot of pressure or are under pressure.
Rich: Yes, especially when they are not winning matches. You could also say they are under stress, which means they feel a lot of stress.
Jack: Of course, it’s not only football managers that are under pressure or under stress - when I was at school, about to take my exams, I was under a lot of pressure from my parents. I think that exams and tests put people under too much stress.
Rich: Whenever I’m under pressure, I like to relax in front of the TV watching liverpool.
Jack: I like to watch football to relax too... except when Arsenal are playing against Chelsea.
Rich: Yes - far too stressful. There are many collocations that use the word under. The phrase under control is a good one. In a football context, you could say Eden Hazard has the ball under control, which means that the ball is next to him and he’s not going to lose it.
Jack: More generally, when you’re doing something difficult and you want to reassure people that you know what you are doing and feel confident, you could say, Don’t worry, everything is under control.
Rich: I like the phrase under the weather, which is a phrase you also sometimes hear in football.
Jack: Yes, like Sanchez isn’t playing today because he’s under the weather. It means that he’s feeling unwell; he is a little bit ill, but it’s something that is not too serious.
Rich: I’m feeling a little bit under the weather today.
Jack: Ah - what’s wrong?
Rich: I’ve got a cold and a sore throat.
Jack: Sorry to hear that. Have you got some medicine?
Rich: I’ve got a nice cup of tea. That’ll make me feel better. Let’s look at one final one. We can say something is under construction, which means that something is being built or repaired.
Jack: So West Ham’s new stadium is under construction at the moment and will be ready for them next season.
Rich: Right! It’s time for our new competition - What’s my team? (this could be louder or we could use some sound effects on the voice?)
Jack: Here is what you have to do. Listen to a Premier League fan, who will talk about their favourite team and then write the name of the team in the comments section below.
Rich: It couldn’t be easier! And if you’re not sure you can always make a guess - there are only 20 teams in the Premier League.
Jack: But, remember you can only write one answer and only your first answer will be accepted.
Rich: And for each of the next 20 podcasts the lucky winner will receive a fantastic Samsung Galaxy Tablet.
Jack: Each competition closes on Monday at midnight in the UK.
Rich: And the winner will be announced the next day at 1200 in the next Podcast.
Jack: Right, so our first Premier League fan is Sarah. Listen to her riddle and try to work out what’s her team?
Sarah: You must have heard of us. We’ve won the European Cup 5 times and you’ve probably heard songs from one of the most famous bands to come from our city - We love music here. Our stadium has the best atmosphere and the most passionate fans. When you hear 40,000 fans singing ‘you’ll never walk alone’ it’s absolutely brilliant.
Rich: Well, that was an easy one!
Jack: You think? We’ll see how our listeners do... If you know which team Sarah was talking about, write your answer in the comments section below. I think it’s time for this week’s Premier League prediction.
Rich: This week I’m going to watch Tottenham Hotspur against Manchester City. I think this is a very difficult match for City. They have lost two consecutive matches now and might be thinking about their trip to Germany in the Champions League which follows this match. Tottenham haven’t had a great start to the season and Harry Kane hasn’t scored yet. However, I think Tottenham will surprise City and I’m going to go with the home team. Final score: Spurs 2-1 Man City
Jack: A Spurs win?
Rich: Well, Arsenal fans never predict Spurs wins, do they?
Jack: If you’ve got a prediction for this match or any other Premier League match this weekend let us know in the comments section below.
Rich: Well that’s all for now. Thanks for listening. And don’t forget to write your answers to the competition, your Premier League predictions, and any questions you have about the website or football English in the comments below.
Jack: If you’re listening to this on itunes or elsewhere, come back to Premier Skills English for some language activities, a quiz and lots more. You can find us at www.britishcouncil.org/premierskillsenglish .
Rich: Don’t forget if you sign in, you can score points to see if you can get your club, your country and your name to the top of our leaderboard.
Jack: Bye for now and enjoy your football.
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Sarah's team is Liverpool... You 'll never walk alone :)
24/08/2022 12:44
Sarah's team is Liverpool... You 'll never walk alone :)
I guess Manchester City will win over the Spurs.
--> Liverpool
14/01/2021 10:19
I guess Manchester City will win over the Spurs.
--> Liverpool
Everyone thought that Leciester City is under stress but at the end of the season the PL was under their control :)
04/05/2020 23:34
Manchester United
Everyone thought that Leciester City is under stress but at the end of the season the PL was under their control :)
Sara was definately taking about Liverpool :)
04/05/2020 23:20
Manchester United
Sara was definately taking about Liverpool :)
The answer to the riddle is Liverpool
04/04/2019 22:20
Leeds United
The answer to the riddle is Liverpool
29/01/2017 17:47
Manchester United
29/01/2017 17:46
Manchester United
Liverpool, no doubt!)
22/11/2016 16:06
Liverpool, no doubt!)
that's it
28/06/2016 15:25
Manchester City
that's it
There is no Tunisia in Country Leaderboard 2014/15! This season, it will be here, thanks to me
31/05/2016 14:16
Newcastle United
There is no Tunisia in Country Leaderboard 2014/15! This season, it will be here, thanks to me
These collocations are so useful, I know the preposition ‘under’ as a preposition to indicate location for something under another, for example: when we lose a sock, we always look for it under the bed.
Please, response me, if I’m right or not: in this sentence, you wrote “Listen to a Premier League fan, who will talk about their favourite team and then write the name of the team in the comments section below.”
My question, it’s ‘their’ or ‘his/her’, because you used ‘fan’ and ‘team’ in singular form.
31/05/2016 14:16
Newcastle United
These collocations are so useful, I know the preposition ‘under’ as a preposition to indicate location for something under another, for example: when we lose a sock, we always look for it under the bed.
Please, response me, if I’m right or not: in this sentence, you wrote “Listen to a Premier League fan, who will talk about their favourite team and then write the name of the team in the comments section below.”
My question, it’s ‘their’ or ‘his/her’, because you used ‘fan’ and ‘team’ in singular form.
At the beginning of season, we thought that Leicester City were under stress, but now we know hat they have been under control.
31/05/2016 14:15
Newcastle United
At the beginning of season, we thought that Leicester City were under stress, but now we know hat they have been under control.
yes that's under the weather.
some of them.
not all of.
06/03/2016 02:20
Leicester City
yes that's under the weather.
some of them.
not all of.
Her favourite team is Liverpool.
30/01/2016 06:15
Her favourite team is Liverpool.
24/01/2016 18:20
AFC Bournemouth
I think that the managers are under alot of pressure,if they loose a match everybody critsize them and if they win a match everybody praise them.
04/01/2016 18:48
I think that the managers are under alot of pressure,if they loose a match everybody critsize them and if they win a match everybody praise them.
Sara talking about Liverpool
16/11/2015 15:05
Sara talking about Liverpool
They are under pressure from too many angles: fans, club owners, mass media, their own ambitions, etc. And only those who will find a smart and sustainable way to deal with such pressure will succeed.
10/11/2015 11:05
They are under pressure from too many angles: fans, club owners, mass media, their own ambitions, etc. And only those who will find a smart and sustainable way to deal with such pressure will succeed.
Well, they must be under the pressure but some of them work as managers for a long time and they got used to it.
06/11/2015 18:47
Well, they must be under the pressure but some of them work as managers for a long time and they got used to it.
sarah talking about
manshester city
05/10/2015 20:43
sarah talking about
manshester city
Hello! I think and I'm sure the Club that Sarah is talking about is Liverpool because they've won the European Cup 5 times. And I can't but mansion that it's the Beatles that cames from Liverpool and I like them so much :)
05/10/2015 14:17
Hello! I think and I'm sure the Club that Sarah is talking about is Liverpool because they've won the European Cup 5 times. And I can't but mansion that it's the Beatles that cames from Liverpool and I like them so much :)
You are right! Sarah was talking about Liverpool and it is a great city! This competition is closed now, the competition in podcast 19 is now open - have a listen and see if you can guess the fan's club. Thanks for your comment. Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
05/10/2015 17:56
You are right! Sarah was talking about Liverpool and it is a great city! This competition is closed now, the competition in podcast 19 is now open - have a listen and see if you can guess the fan's club. Thanks for your comment. Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
29/09/2015 08:38
under pressure and under stress i think have the same mean no !!
29/09/2015 02:43
Manchester United
under pressure and under stress i think have the same mean no !!
liverpool .. thank you soooo much i really enjoied :D and i learnt so much about collocations with the word "under"
28/09/2015 17:27
liverpool .. thank you soooo much i really enjoied :D and i learnt so much about collocations with the word "under"
I agree with RIch's prediction,
I did not learn any new collocations and I believe the managers have everything under control
28/09/2015 08:15
I agree with RIch's prediction,
I did not learn any new collocations and I believe the managers have everything under control
Liverpool !
26/09/2015 23:24
Liverpool !
I think Arsenal's coach will still be under pressure by this weak results
26/09/2015 21:50
I think Arsenal's coach will still be under pressure by this weak results
Sara talks about Barcelona
26/09/2015 18:53
Sara talks about Barcelona
I was confident in the victory of Tottenham
26/09/2015 18:07
Manchester United
I was confident in the victory of Tottenham
Firstly , Sarah talked about Liverpool team , and I think Tottenham will win 4-1 .
I also think the coach of Liverpool (Rodgers) is under stress because the last bad scores with Liverpool and the team fans want (Jorgen Klopp) to become the coach
26/09/2015 15:34
Manchester United
Firstly , Sarah talked about Liverpool team , and I think Tottenham will win 4-1 .
I also think the coach of Liverpool (Rodgers) is under stress because the last bad scores with Liverpool and the team fans want (Jorgen Klopp) to become the coach
sarah talked about Liverpool football club
26/09/2015 15:33
sarah talked about Liverpool football club
Man city will upset tottenham for sure .I guess the score will be 2-1.
Yes, I learned new collocations,the one discussed here was "Under".
Most of the mangers are under pressure because of the unexpected results they can face.
26/09/2015 14:07
Manchester United
Man city will upset tottenham for sure .I guess the score will be 2-1.
Yes, I learned new collocations,the one discussed here was "Under".
Most of the mangers are under pressure because of the unexpected results they can face.
The Club that Sarah is talking about is Liverpool.
I think Tottenham will defeat 2-1 Manchester City.
26/09/2015 14:01
Manchester United
The Club that Sarah is talking about is Liverpool.
I think Tottenham will defeat 2-1 Manchester City.
You'll Never Walk Alone is Liverpool Theme Song!
26/09/2015 02:27
Manchester United
You'll Never Walk Alone is Liverpool Theme Song!
Man City have recently lost to West Ham who won all their away matches so far which is a fantastic result. To make matters worse, David Silva will miss the game against Tottenham because of injury. Spurs' form is getting higher with every match and they have Son Heung-Min who's already shown his great skills. Tottenham is able to make a suprise, but I think a draw is the most likely result. I predict 1-1. From other this gameweek matches I think that Leicester vs Arsenal promises to be exciting and here the underdog is able to make a suprise as well. Anyway, my prediction for this match is 2-2. I learnt two new collocations. Talking about the last question, my answer is yes, they are. For example City's owners put the pressure on Manuel Pellegrini by saying that the only acceptable result for this season is winning the league otherwise the Chilean is going to lose his job. Brendan Rodgers now also works under the big pressure since Liverpool don't play well and the owners consider firing him. But, on the other hand, Garry Monk and Roberto Martínez seem to have everything under control. They've built solid teams who are able to compete with richer and stronger opponents and finish in top 7.
25/09/2015 12:59
Manchester United
Man City have recently lost to West Ham who won all their away matches so far which is a fantastic result. To make matters worse, David Silva will miss the game against Tottenham because of injury. Spurs' form is getting higher with every match and they have Son Heung-Min who's already shown his great skills. Tottenham is able to make a suprise, but I think a draw is the most likely result. I predict 1-1. From other this gameweek matches I think that Leicester vs Arsenal promises to be exciting and here the underdog is able to make a suprise as well. Anyway, my prediction for this match is 2-2. I learnt two new collocations. Talking about the last question, my answer is yes, they are. For example City's owners put the pressure on Manuel Pellegrini by saying that the only acceptable result for this season is winning the league otherwise the Chilean is going to lose his job. Brendan Rodgers now also works under the big pressure since Liverpool don't play well and the owners consider firing him. But, on the other hand, Garry Monk and Roberto Martínez seem to have everything under control. They've built solid teams who are able to compete with richer and stronger opponents and finish in top 7.
I think that Arsenal will win this game, I don't wish that but I think that's gonna happen. I predict 1:2 exact score.
25/09/2015 22:19
West Ham United
I think that Arsenal will win this game, I don't wish that but I think that's gonna happen. I predict 1:2 exact score.
Good prediction from you, Rema, Arsenal were fantastic and Leicester had to face their first defeat of the season. Tottenham made a huge and nice suprise and now I'm happy as my favourite club will end this gameweek on top of the league table.
26/09/2015 18:05
Manchester United
Good prediction from you, Rema, Arsenal were fantastic and Leicester had to face their first defeat of the season. Tottenham made a huge and nice suprise and now I'm happy as my favourite club will end this gameweek on top of the league table.
It's Liverpool F.C. Good luck to everyone!
25/09/2015 12:31
Manchester United
It's Liverpool F.C. Good luck to everyone!
25/09/2015 11:06
My prediction: Tottenham Hotspur 1-3 Manchester City.
MC is on the top, Tottenham is the ninth. City have 13 points, Spurs have 9 one.
There are very good and very expensive players in MC squad. I think David Silva is brilliant and Aguero is one of the best striker. Tottenham have Heung-Min Son from Bayer Leverkusen - this is high empowerment. " The Lilywhites" will be play at White Hart Lane. But they play at home not very well so far. MC will be the winner anyway.
The match is kick-off at 13:45 CET on Saturday.
25/09/2015 09:36
Leicester City
My prediction: Tottenham Hotspur 1-3 Manchester City.
MC is on the top, Tottenham is the ninth. City have 13 points, Spurs have 9 one.
There are very good and very expensive players in MC squad. I think David Silva is brilliant and Aguero is one of the best striker. Tottenham have Heung-Min Son from Bayer Leverkusen - this is high empowerment. " The Lilywhites" will be play at White Hart Lane. But they play at home not very well so far. MC will be the winner anyway.
The match is kick-off at 13:45 CET on Saturday.
City have 15 points, not 13. City were won 5 games, only West Ham beat them at home.
25/09/2015 11:07
West Ham United
City have 15 points, not 13. City were won 5 games, only West Ham beat them at home.
Though totenham has home adventage i can not say they can beat man city but my prediction is 1-1 draw
25/09/2015 05:19
Manchester United
Though totenham has home adventage i can not say they can beat man city but my prediction is 1-1 draw
Liverpool - Sara was taking about a Liverpool.
24/09/2015 23:16
Leicester City
Liverpool - Sara was taking about a Liverpool.
The fans speaks about Liverpool.
Prediction: Manchester City vs Tottenham : draw
24/09/2015 19:45
Manchester City
The fans speaks about Liverpool.
Prediction: Manchester City vs Tottenham : draw
24/09/2015 17:01
Manchester United
24/09/2015 16:50
Sarah is talking about Liverpool.. aka the KOP!. I think Mancity would edge this one. 3-2. City have too much class. Debryne is playing so well now in place of david silva and after their recent bashing of sunderland, i just think city would have too much class. I think Spurs rush a lot and thats why they lost at Arsenal. I have learnt new collations. Oh Brendan Rodgers Oh Stevie Mclaren. The pressure on their heads is becoming too much. I forsee a sack very soon for either of the,
24/09/2015 10:16
Sarah is talking about Liverpool.. aka the KOP!. I think Mancity would edge this one. 3-2. City have too much class. Debryne is playing so well now in place of david silva and after their recent bashing of sunderland, i just think city would have too much class. I think Spurs rush a lot and thats why they lost at Arsenal. I have learnt new collations. Oh Brendan Rodgers Oh Stevie Mclaren. The pressure on their heads is becoming too much. I forsee a sack very soon for either of the,
The favorite team of Sara is Liverpool.
24/09/2015 09:52
Manchester United
The favorite team of Sara is Liverpool.
Sarah's favourite football club is Liverpool!
23/09/2015 20:12
Manchester United
Sarah's favourite football club is Liverpool!