Orientações do técnico parte 2
Orientações do técnico parte 2
How well do you know football vocabulary?
This Football English lesson presents, practises and tests 10 football words that are related to coaching.
- ball
- drills
- fitness
- formation
- medical
- strategy
- stretching
- tactics
- trainer
- training
Use the activity in the LEARN section to learn 10 words and phrases used to describe different football words.
After you have finished with the learning activity, use the QUIZ to see how much you've learned and to score some points. There are also worksheets you can download to help you learn these football words.
Remember, when you score points, you move up the leaderboard. You can also help your team and your country climb the leaderboard and become Premier Skills English champions!
Good luck!
Learn and practise the words

Quiz - How many words have you learnt?
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It's really exciting to learn more new words here.
15/06/2014 09:12
Manchester United
It's really exciting to learn more new words here.