Phonemic Penalties
Phonemic Penalties

This activity encourages students to work on their pronunciation and improves their knowledge of the phonemic chart through a game. The game is similar to a penalty shoot out, but instead of kicking a ball the students have to think of words with specific sounds and pronounce them correctly.
Ask the students what happens at the end of an important game if the scores for both teams are the same. They should be able to tell you about penalty shoot-outs.
Tell the students that they will play a similar game.
Put the students into two teams. If possible put each team in two lines facing you at the front of the class.
Take a random card from your pack of phonemic symbol cards.
Ask the student at the front of the line for one team to give you another word that has that sound in it.
If the word is correct give the team a point (or goal). If the word is wrong and doesn’t contain the sound, give the other team a chance to steal an extra goal by giving you a word that contains that sound.
After each student has their turn at the front of the team line, they go to the back and the next student takes the next turn.
You can keep playing the game for as long as the students stay motivated. Be sure to insist on good pronunciation when they say the words. The team with the most goals at the end wins.
Over to you: Tell us what you think
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The best way to learn pronunciation of words
30/05/2016 09:08
Manchester United
The best way to learn pronunciation of words