Podcast 32
Podcast 32

In this week's podcast, Jack talks about the Premier League and speculates about the chances of the top five clubs. The language focus is predictions and certainty and we have our latest riddle in our 'What's my Team?' competition!
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Language - Predictions
"although Liverpool are not in the top five, they could surprise us and win the league...""I'm not certain, but I think City are going to win the league."

Hello my name’s Jack and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast.
Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you all enjoyed the holidays, that is, if you celebrate them and want to wish you all the best for 2016. This week, the podcast is going to sound a little different because Rich is still on holiday. That’s right… I am on my own and recording a podcast solo is a little strange, but I’m going to do my best and hope I don’t let you down.
This week, I’m going to talk about the state of the season and the language of predictions and later, you can listen to another what’s my team riddle for the chance to win a fantastic prize.
But, before I start, I’ve got two winners to announce. Yes… we’ve had two competitions running over Christmas. As well as ‘What’s my team?’, we had a prediction competition on the Christmas in the Premier League page.
Over 40 of you joined in the competition and made predictions about a selection of matches that were played between the 26th of December and 3rd of January.
I didn’t do very well – I got three results. I only scored 3 points. Rich did a little better and scored 5 points. He got three results and one exact score. In joint third place, with 7 points are Fofo2015 from Saudi Arabia and Ana1 from Serbia. In joint second place, with 8 points are Alex_from_Ukraine and Michelterzikhan from Armenia... and in first place with an amazing 10 points is the outstanding Mugemanyi from Rwanda. Congratulations Mugemanyi – I think that Rich should have sent you a message about your prize.
The What’s my team? competition was too easy again this time – so many of you got it right and were able to work out who Debbie supports. And so… the answer to the competition was Everton. As usual, I selected a winner at random from all the correct entries and the winner this time is M S Aboelsafa from Egypt. Congratulations to you! I’ll be in touch today and we’ll have your prize on its way.
We had an interesting question a couple of days ago from a learner from Vietnam. Tonucatien asked about the word spectator. The word spectator is used to describe a person who watches an event – the word is in the football vocabulary section on fans and in that case, it means someone who watches a football match. I like the word because it’s related to the word spectacle which means an exciting or dramatic event that is performed or put on for people to watch and this leads to another related word that I really like: spectacular. This is an adjective and it’s used to say that something is very exciting to look at. For example, an I know that it wasn’t a Premier League goal, but on Sunday, Fulham were playing Sheffield Wednesday and Ross Wallace scored a spectacular goal. There you go – spectacular – to me it’s a very expressive adjective.
So this week, I want to talk about the state of the season; you see, we’re over halfway through and by now, you’d usually have an idea about which team is going to finish on top. Even if you don’t know who is going to win, there are usually only one or two teams that look like they will lift the trophy. However, this year, the league is much closer and it’s really tough to predict. Arsenal are at the top of the table at the moment and have been playing really well. However, they lost 4-0 at Southampton not long ago so nothing is certain. Obviously I hope that they win, but there is so much competition. If they don’t win, then I would like to see 2nd place Leicester City win it. The Foxes have been doing so well this season, but to continue, Vardy and Mahrez will need to stay on form and as the season draws on, the pressure on those two will be enormous.
In third place we have Manchester City. City are seen by many as the most likely to win the league. They have such a strong squad and Aguero has been spectacular.
Then we have Tottenham Hotspur. It would be great to see Spurs lift the trophy. They are always strong and have given the league some of the greatest players and characters, but they haven’t won the Premier League and were last crowned kings of English football in 1961.
Manchester United are in fifth place. The newspapers in England have been full of tales of Manchester United’s troubles, but they are still in the top five and could yet win the league.
At this stage of the season, you would normally expect the winner to be in the top five. Arsenal is the only team that ever managed to win the league after being out of the top five at this stage – that was back in 1998. But as the league is so close, there may be a dark horse lurking in the league, about to surprise us all. What do you think? Do you think it will be one of the top 5? Which team do you think will win the league?
Now, as this is an English podcast as well as a football podcast, let’s have a look at some language. When you’re making predictions, you are expressing your ideas about the future. Now sometimes, you are certain about these ideas. You know for sure, 100% that what you say is going to happen and other times, you are less certain. In English, we use different forms depending on how certain we are. So here are 5 phrases ranked in certainty… starting in 5th, for times when you really aren’t sure, we use the modal verb ‘could’. For me, this expresses a 50% certainty or less. Here’s an example, although Liverpool aren’t in the top 5 , they could surprise us and win the league. It’s unlikely, but it’s possible. In 4th place, we have the modal verbs may and might. Often, these are used in the same way as could, but for me, they express a 50% certainty or slightly more. Manchester United is in 5th place so they might win. They may win more matches than their rivals and lift the trophy… again.
In 3rd place, we’re getting a lot more confident. There are two phrases that we can use to express a 70-80% certainty; these are: “I think they will” and “I think they are going to”. The words “I think” leaves a bit of room for doubt, but not much. So, you might say, “I’m not certain, but I think City are going to win the league.” Or “It would be nice, but I don’t think Spurs will win this season.”
Now, in 2nd place, we’re really quite sure. This phrase is used when we make a prediction based on the evidence. So, I’d say that we are 90-95% certain when we use this phrase. The phrase is ‘going to’. So you might say something like: “Have you seen the way that Vardy and Mahrez are playing this season? Leicester are going to win the league.” Or Manchester City is going to try to buy Vardy and Mahrez.
In first place, the strongest prediction you can make is also the simplest. We use this when we are absolutely sure of something; no need to look at the evidence, it’s clear… 100%. The word we use to express 100% certainty is ‘will’. Despite the wobble at Southampton, there are many Arsenal fans that feel in their hearts that this season is theirs… Arsenal will win the league. Sadly, I am not as confident in the Gunners or my powers of prediction to ever say such a thing, but I live in hope.
Ok – so now, it’s time for our What’s my team riddle. This week, you’re going to listen to Jimmy. So listen and try to work out what’s his team.
Jimmy: We live and breathe football in the North-East. They call us Geordies up here and almost all of us follow the Toon or the Magpies. We’ve had some really famous players over the years, but the most famous must be Alan Shearer. He’s the Premier League’s all-time top scorer and he’s a Geordie, too. The biggest match of the season is the Tyne-Wear Derby where we play Sunderland. It’s a must-win game.
I think that was quite an easy one; great to hear Jimmy’s accent though. If you know who Jimmy supports, leave a comment with his club and you might win a Samsung Galaxy tablet.
Well that’s all for now. Thanks for listening. Rich will be back next week with a Premier League Prediction so be sure to leave any questions or comments for me or Rich and we’ll do our best to answer you in next week’s podcast.
If you’re listening to this on itunes or elsewhere, come back to Premier Skills English for some language activities, a quiz and lots more. You can find us at www.britishcouncil.org/premierskillsenglish
Don’t forget if you sign in, you can score points to see if you can get your club, your country and your name to the top of our leaderboard.
Bye for now and enjoy your football.
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Unfortunately, I won't see any Champion League matches with Arsenal this year...
19/09/2022 09:38
Unfortunately, I won't see any Champion League matches with Arsenal this year...
I'm going to level up my English thanks to your amazing site.
19/09/2022 09:35
I'm going to level up my English thanks to your amazing site.
Arsenal could win the title this year as Gabriel Jesus is leading the Attack this year. Finger crossed
19/09/2022 09:23
Arsenal could win the title this year as Gabriel Jesus is leading the Attack this year. Finger crossed
Alan Shearer was one of my favorite Striker when he played for Newcastle.
19/09/2022 09:22
Alan Shearer was one of my favorite Striker when he played for Newcastle.
Jimmy's favorite team is Newcastle.
19/09/2022 09:21
Jimmy's favorite team is Newcastle.
• The sports analysts speculated about national cup possible finalists and who will lift the trophy.
• I wasn't certain that I would have ignored from economy news running over my holiday. Eventually it came true.
• I can make a absolute prediction about rate of inflation will go up because of the financial indicators. But I live in hope-:)
29/05/2021 14:30
Tottenham Hotspur
• The sports analysts speculated about national cup possible finalists and who will lift the trophy.
• I wasn't certain that I would have ignored from economy news running over my holiday. Eventually it came true.
• I can make a absolute prediction about rate of inflation will go up because of the financial indicators. But I live in hope-:)
It's quite obvious that some time MoBeckham and I will make good friends.
28/07/2020 00:32
It's quite obvious that some time MoBeckham and I will make good friends.
I can predict with a great probability that I'll reach the 5000 points before MoBeckham.
28/07/2020 00:30
I can predict with a great probability that I'll reach the 5000 points before MoBeckham.
I love making predictions, sometimes I bet small sums on football results just for fun.
28/07/2020 00:25
I love making predictions, sometimes I bet small sums on football results just for fun.
I'm dead certain that 2021 will bring peace to Ukraine and a finale for the coronavirus pandemic.
28/07/2020 00:23
I'm dead certain that 2021 will bring peace to Ukraine and a finale for the coronavirus pandemic.
Jimmy's team is definitely Newcastle because of Alan Shearer and the Geordies
I learned about the culture of Newcastle when I watched the best football film ever ( GOAL1 ! The Dream Begins ) with Santiago Munez
Highly recommended if you haven't watched it :)
08/05/2020 22:21
Manchester United
Jimmy's team is definitely Newcastle because of Alan Shearer and the Geordies
I learned about the culture of Newcastle when I watched the best football film ever ( GOAL1 ! The Dream Begins ) with Santiago Munez
Highly recommended if you haven't watched it :)
The PL could be continued again in June hopefully
08/05/2020 22:17
Manchester United
The PL could be continued again in June hopefully
I think the FA will give the title to Liverpool because they are far too long from the runners-up Manchester City
08/05/2020 22:16
Manchester United
I think the FA will give the title to Liverpool because they are far too long from the runners-up Manchester City
I will definately watch EPL games every week
I am certain about that
And from now on I will listen to our podcast weekly
Best thing ever happened to me in 2020 to find this spectacular podcast :)
08/05/2020 22:15
Manchester United
I will definately watch EPL games every week
I am certain about that
And from now on I will listen to our podcast weekly
Best thing ever happened to me in 2020 to find this spectacular podcast :)
I thought it was Manchester City and hoped for the underdogs Leicester City and out of blue the miracle happened :)
08/05/2020 22:14
Manchester United
I thought it was Manchester City and hoped for the underdogs Leicester City and out of blue the miracle happened :)
10/06/2019 13:34
Manchester City
but why 5 questions this time?
03/02/2017 19:42
Manchester United
but why 5 questions this time?
Based on the preseason matches i have seen i can predict Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester city winning their first set of matches
08/08/2016 06:17
Manchester United
Based on the preseason matches i have seen i can predict Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester city winning their first set of matches
My predictions for 2016 that you are 100% sure about is that Manchester United will finish in top 4 by December 2016
08/08/2016 06:15
Manchester United
My predictions for 2016 that you are 100% sure about is that Manchester United will finish in top 4 by December 2016
A certain of a great start for Manchester United this season
08/08/2016 06:14
Manchester United
A certain of a great start for Manchester United this season
Leicester city won last season's premier league
Am looking forward to united winning it this year
08/08/2016 06:12
Manchester United
Leicester city won last season's premier league
Am looking forward to united winning it this year
29/06/2016 16:09
Manchester City
29/06/2016 16:08
Manchester City
It's so easy the 'What's my Team?' competition', It's my team too, Jimmy!
By the way, I have a question about Newcastle, may be it’s more appropriate that I put it in a comment of podcast 25, never mind! Why did some persons say to me that Novocastrians are Scottish? When I look at UK map (Wikipedia site web), I see that 'Newcastle upon Tyne' is a part of Northumberland which is a part of England. [Newcastle was part of the county of Northumberland until 1400, when it became a county itself, a status it retained until becoming part of Tyne and Wear in 1974; The regional nickname and dialect for people from Newcastle and the surrounding area is Geordie.]
I think that because their so difficult accent, which is like Scottish accent. I remember that I could not understand a trainer, and a training colleague, who is Irish, told me that she didn’t understand him too! I was completely lost.
18/02/2016 11:18
Newcastle United
It's so easy the 'What's my Team?' competition', It's my team too, Jimmy!
By the way, I have a question about Newcastle, may be it’s more appropriate that I put it in a comment of podcast 25, never mind! Why did some persons say to me that Novocastrians are Scottish? When I look at UK map (Wikipedia site web), I see that 'Newcastle upon Tyne' is a part of Northumberland which is a part of England. [Newcastle was part of the county of Northumberland until 1400, when it became a county itself, a status it retained until becoming part of Tyne and Wear in 1974; The regional nickname and dialect for people from Newcastle and the surrounding area is Geordie.]
I think that because their so difficult accent, which is like Scottish accent. I remember that I could not understand a trainer, and a training colleague, who is Irish, told me that she didn’t understand him too! I was completely lost.
Hi Haydi
A Novocastrian is someone from Newcastle but this term is not used very much, the more common term, as you know, is Geordie. From what I believe, Hadrian's Wall, which was built by the Romans a couple of thousand years ago to separate England and Scotland, was built through what is now Newcastle. This, therefore, is why people in the north of Newcastle may refer to themselves as Scottish sometimes. I am not 100% certain about this though, and am happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.
We've got a bit more on the Geordie accent here http://premierskillsenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/read/stories/diffe...
18/02/2016 13:01
Hi Haydi
A Novocastrian is someone from Newcastle but this term is not used very much, the more common term, as you know, is Geordie. From what I believe, Hadrian's Wall, which was built by the Romans a couple of thousand years ago to separate England and Scotland, was built through what is now Newcastle. This, therefore, is why people in the north of Newcastle may refer to themselves as Scottish sometimes. I am not 100% certain about this though, and am happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.
We've got a bit more on the Geordie accent here http://premierskillsenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/read/stories/diffe...
Thank you so much Rich, may be the issue needs a specialist historian to explain! Thanks for the link, it gives more explanation about Geordie's accent. I will discover the whole site web when finishing the podcasts.
18/02/2016 17:14
Newcastle United
Thank you so much Rich, may be the issue needs a specialist historian to explain! Thanks for the link, it gives more explanation about Geordie's accent. I will discover the whole site web when finishing the podcasts.
Jimmy's favorite team is Newcastle United.
04/02/2016 23:14
Leicester City
Jimmy's favorite team is Newcastle United.
I think Manchester City is going to win the Premier League the season.
No,i can't.
No,i can't.
I might go to USA next summer.
04/02/2016 23:13
Leicester City
I think Manchester City is going to win the Premier League the season.
No,i can't.
No,i can't.
I might go to USA next summer.
Jimmy's favorite team is Newcastle and manchester united
24/01/2016 23:43
Jimmy's favorite team is Newcastle and manchester united
I think it's Newcastle.cmon toons and howdy lads.
12/01/2016 10:36
I think it's Newcastle.cmon toons and howdy lads.
I can surely say that Leo Messi is the best player of 2015.
11/01/2016 21:14
Manchester United
I can surely say that Leo Messi is the best player of 2015.
In my opinion Lester City will be out of top four.
11/01/2016 21:10
Manchester United
In my opinion Lester City will be out of top four.
I am sure that Manchester United will be in the zone of Champions league
11/01/2016 21:09
Manchester United
I am sure that Manchester United will be in the zone of Champions league
I am fan of Manchester United, but I think Arsenal is going to win the title
11/01/2016 21:08
Manchester United
I am fan of Manchester United, but I think Arsenal is going to win the title
Jimmy's favorite team is Newcastle United F.C
11/01/2016 20:56
Manchester United
Jimmy's favorite team is Newcastle United F.C
Newcastle United
11/01/2016 15:16
Newcastle United
Newcastle United F.C.
11/01/2016 14:07
Newcastle United F.C.
Newcastle United is Jimmy's favourite team
11/01/2016 14:05
Newcastle United is Jimmy's favourite team
I am 100% sure that Aston Villa will be involved in the race to escape relegation :( Considering that this team have never been relegated makes it even more exciting to watch.
11/01/2016 12:45
I am 100% sure that Aston Villa will be involved in the race to escape relegation :( Considering that this team have never been relegated makes it even more exciting to watch.
I still live in hope that Chelsea could improve their league rating and reach TOP 6. There is just a 9-point gap to close.
11/01/2016 12:41
I still live in hope that Chelsea could improve their league rating and reach TOP 6. There is just a 9-point gap to close.
I really hope that Leicester City could keep surprising us and finally seal a TOP 5 position at the end of the season. It would be a great achievement for the Foxes!
11/01/2016 12:38
I really hope that Leicester City could keep surprising us and finally seal a TOP 5 position at the end of the season. It would be a great achievement for the Foxes!
Rich will have to catch up with you, Jack, given your splendid solo performance of this podcast:)
11/01/2016 12:34
Rich will have to catch up with you, Jack, given your splendid solo performance of this podcast:)
This season is a very good opportunity for Arsenal to win the Premier League and FA Cup.
11/01/2016 12:24
This season is a very good opportunity for Arsenal to win the Premier League and FA Cup.
Jimmy's favorite team is Newcastle United
11/01/2016 12:14
Newcastle United
Jimmy's favorite team is Newcastle United
My answer to this week's 'What's my team' competition is Newcastle United :)
11/01/2016 12:13
My answer to this week's 'What's my team' competition is Newcastle United :)
Congrats Jack, you've done great job here ;)
11/01/2016 11:04
West Ham United
Congrats Jack, you've done great job here ;)
Jimmy's team is Newcastle
11/01/2016 09:24
Jimmy's team is Newcastle
Jimmy's team is Newcastle United Football Club.
11/01/2016 02:15
Jimmy's team is Newcastle United Football Club.
Jimmy's favourite team is Newcastle United F.C.
11/01/2016 02:12
Manchester United
Jimmy's favourite team is Newcastle United F.C.
Newcastle United
10/01/2016 19:16
Newcastle United