Name Country Internet accessibility in your country 1. Please rate the quality of internet connectivity in your country using a scale of 1-10. (1 = poor, 10 = excellent) 12345678910 2. To your knowledge, do Premier Skills coaches in your country have access to the internet? Yes No Limited access 3. To your knowledge, do Premier Skills coaches have smart phones? Yes No Not sure 4. Using a scale of 1-10 (1 = very little, 10 = all the time) to what extent do you think Premier Skills coaches use their smart phones to access the internet? 12345678910 5. To what extent would Premier Skills coaches be interested in watching videos of course content online? Extremely interested Interested Not sure Not interested Hosting additional online content & coaching materials for Premier Skills coaches 6. In your view, to what extent do you think Premier Skills coaches in your country would use new online content & coaching materials? Regularly Sometimes Rarely Never 7. In your view, what type of additional online coaching materials might Premier Skills coaches value? 8. In your view, would Premier Skills coaches be able to understand online materials in English? Yes No 8.b. Where possible, please provide more information on Coaches English language skills Online networking forums for Premier Skills Coaches 9. Do you use or know of any online networking tools that your Premier Skills coaches already use to communicate with each other (e.g. WhatsApp or Facebook)? Yes No 9 If yes, please provide details 10. Do you think Premier Skills coaches in your country would use a Premier Skills online networking forum to share ideas and experiences with other coaches (this could be with coaches in their country or coaches from other countries)? Yes No Not sure 10 If yes, please provide details 11. Would having a Premier Skills online networking forum for Premier Skills coaches be useful for you in managing your programme? Yes No 11. Please provide any additional comments. 12. What features would you like to see in an online networking forum? Communicating with Premier Skills coaches from previous courses 13. Do you still maintain contact with Premier Skills coaches from previous programme cycles? Yes No Some 14. Do you have the contact details (email addresses and phone numbers) of Premier Skills coaches from previous programme cycles? Yes No Some 15. In your view, do you think Premier Skills coaches in your country would complete a questionnaire like this one in English? Yes No Some Not sure Not applicable 16. In your view, do you think Premier Skills coaches in your country would complete a questionnaire like this in their own language? Yes No Some Not sure Not applicable Sharing Stories online of Premier Skills 17. Would you value having an online platform to share and upload stories from your Premier Skills coaches & participants? Yes No Leave this field blank Submit