Listening to a text, or more often these days, watching a video, is often a central feature of a language learning lesson. But what's the best way to work with these materials? Is it better to let learners settle for a general understanding, or should you try to focus on the text in detail. What kind of activities can you set for learners for both of these approaches?
This workshop will outline some different approaches to working with listening texts, and do so with reference to one particular video series on the learners pages on the Premier Skills English website. It will by giving you and the teachers you are training the chance to prepare a lesson.
You can download all the materials from the workshop in the downloads section on the right. You can complete some of the materials online by taking a look at the activities in the activities section, and if you have any questions or comments about the workshop we would be happy to hear from you. You can add your comments in the discuss section. We hope you enjoy the workshop.

Listening Workshop
The following activity on the topic of listening is intended to help you think about what you learnt from the video.
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Over to you
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I think it is important to develop listening in classroom because even when you are not an expert at speaking or even when you cannot speak fluently or properly you can communicate your thoughts by using gestures or signs but if you can't understand what the other person is saying it is impossible to stablish communication.
08/03/2021 01:36
I think it is important to develop listening in classroom because even when you are not an expert at speaking or even when you cannot speak fluently or properly you can communicate your thoughts by using gestures or signs but if you can't understand what the other person is saying it is impossible to stablish communication.
Teaching listening is so important because I think if you listen well , you can speak and interact better.
I learnt about the new strategies Top Down and Bottom Up and I do this they are effective and versatile in using them with all levels and ages of learners.
13/07/2020 19:30
Manchester United
Teaching listening is so important because I think if you listen well , you can speak and interact better.
I learnt about the new strategies Top Down and Bottom Up and I do this they are effective and versatile in using them with all levels and ages of learners.
Learners sometimes find listening difficult because they cannot control the pace of the track or maybe the accent isn't clear enough to figure out the words and phrases.
13/07/2020 19:28
Manchester United
Learners sometimes find listening difficult because they cannot control the pace of the track or maybe the accent isn't clear enough to figure out the words and phrases.
The workshops are very useful and effective for us as teachers as I consider it a quick revision for my CELTA course at Cambridge last year.
13/07/2020 19:26
Manchester United
The workshops are very useful and effective for us as teachers as I consider it a quick revision for my CELTA course at Cambridge last year.
Listening is an essential part of learning and students ought to learn to pay extra attention by avoiding talking while a lesson is on-going.
05/06/2016 00:05
Manchester United
Listening is an essential part of learning and students ought to learn to pay extra attention by avoiding talking while a lesson is on-going.
The video was helpful
05/06/2016 00:02
Manchester United
The video was helpful