The best league in the world attracts some of the best players from all over the world. Watch interviews with different players talk about their experiences moving to the UK.
In this video, four Premier League players talk about what they do in their free time.
In this video, four Premier League players talk about their football heroes.
In this video, four Premier League players talk about the Premier League and what makes it special.
In this video, four Premier League players talk about the sorts of films they like.
In this video, four Premier League players talk about how they use English and why it is important to them.
<p>Dalam video ini, para pemain akan berbicara mengenai apa yang mereka suka dan tidak suka tentang kehidupan di Inggris.</p>
<p class="subheadertext">Dalam video ini, para pemain berbicara mengenai pengalaman mereka masing-masing dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris.</p>
<p>In this video, the players talk about the challenges they faced learning English.</p>
<p>Dalam video ini, para pemain berbicara tentang harapan dan rencana masa depan mereka.</p>
<p class="subheadertext">Dalam video ini, para pemain berbicara mengenai kata-kata bahasa Inggris yang menjadi favorit mereka</p>