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Learning Vocabulary: Get on your bike!

Learning Vocabulary: Get on your bike!

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Rich is inspired by Rowan who cycles to work every morning. Jack's less enthusiastic. The language focus is on words and phrases to talk about health & fitness, bikes and the environment. In this week's task, we want you to tell us why it's good to get on your bike. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.


If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.
Read and listen at the same time.

Learning Vocabulary: Get on your bike

Jack: Hello my name’s Jack

Rowan: My name’s Rowan

Rich: and I’m Rich 

Rowan: And welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast.

Jack: In the Premier Skills English podcast, we talk about football and help you with your English. 

Rowan: Don’t forget you can find the transcript for all our podcasts on the Premier Skills English website.

Jack: In this week’s roleplay Rich decides to ride his bike to work but not everything goes according to plan.

Rowan: This week we’re using our roleplay to focus on vocabulary.

Rich: We’ll look at the words we use to describe the different parts of a bike.

Jack: And we’ll look at phrases connected to fitness and phrases connected to the environment. Getting on our bike is good for both of these.

Rowan: Your task this week is to tell us why we should all get on our bikes.

Jack: If you are listening to us on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or any other podcast platform, you should also check out our website.

Rowan: On the Premier Skills English website you’ll also find the transcript, examples and activities to help you understand the language, and the task for you to complete.

Rich: You’ll also find a community of friendly listeners to interact with, in our comments section.

Jack: And that includes us - we’re always around to answer questions and join in the discussions.

Rowan: But if you listen on Apple Podcasts you can always write answers to our questions or any other comments in the review section.

Rich: Before we do the roleplay let’s look back at last week’s football phrase.

Last week’s Football Phrase 

Jack: If you didn’t hear our football phrase last week we’re going to give you one more chance to guess now. 

Rich: If you’re not sure what the football phrase is we’ll give you the correct answer at the end of the show when we give you a new football phrase. 

Rowan: It was a difficult phrase last week. Some of you had multiple guesses. If you don’t get it right the first time, don’t give up, it’s always good to try again and again.

Jack: Let’s hear last week’s phrase again:

Rich: Last week’s football phrase was ** **** ** *** ***** ****'* ****. This phrase is used when one team has nearly all the possession and all the territorial advantage. The game is almost entirely played in one half of the pitch. The keyword is what you do when you go on holiday with a tent. Manchester City were ****** ** *** Aston Villa **** for the whole match. 

Jack: Jhon Baron Oliveros from Colombia was the first to get it right la t week. Well done Jhon! It’s the first time you were first. 

Rowan: Not many got it right last week but some of you did. Daniel_Baron1503 from Colombia was one of them. Is Jhon your brother, Daniel? 

Rich: Alex from Vietnam got it right at the second attempt, Alex from Ukraine needed three attempts and MoBeckham was fifth time lucky. Well done to all of you!

Rowan: And a big well done to Vic from Mexico. Last week’s task was to tell us about a journey in your city you often make. Vic told us all about his journey to work in Mexico City.

Jack: He tells us about how streets in Mexico City are much emptier than usual at the moment and this is a good thing.

Rich: FJChaves from Brazil told us his journey to work involves listening to podcasts on the bus. If you’re listening to the Premier Skills English podcast you should turn the volume up and let everyone listen.

Rowan: It was great to have some listeners commenting for the first time, too, so a big hello to Ousman Abakar Hamid from Chad and Ahmet Hakan from Turkey.

Jack: Last week’s podcast was called Understanding Grammar: Adverbs and it was great to see you using so many adverbs correctly in the comments section. 

Rich: If you haven’t completed the lesson yet you can find it on the Premier Skills English website in the podcast section. From the homepage go to skills>listen>podcasts.

Introduction to Roleplay

Rowan: As we said earlier, in this week’s roleplay, the topic is bikes and cycling.

Jack: Rowan rides to work every morning and Rich has been inspired and decides to do the same but as you’ll find out, it’s not as easy as it first appears.

Rich: You’re going to listen to three different roleplays that are played out on three mornings in front of the office block where the three of us work.

Rowan: Before each roleplay, we’ve got a question for you to answer while you listen.

Jack: Here’s your first question: Who seems to be the fittest out of the three of us?

Roleplay 1 - On your bike

Rowan: Day one - Monday

Jack: It was a nightmare parking this morning.  

Rich: Morning to you, too.

Jack: Sorry, yes, morning.

Rich: You should really get the bus. You don’t need to use your car every day.

Jack: Yeah, I know but … 

Rich: Here comes Rowan on her bike. Maybe I could do that - do some exercise and get fit.

Rowan: (beep, beep) 25 minutes and 32 seconds. A new record!

Jack: A new record?

Rowan: Morning you lazy layabouts! Yeah, on the bike - it’s the first time I’ve done home to work in less than half an hour. I take it easy most days but on Mondays I really push myself. You know, start the week with a bang. The bike helps me keep fit and stay in shape. How was the bus?

Rich: I had to stand up. It was packed.

Rowan: Tough workout! Holding on to that handrail for half an hour. And Jack? In your car again? All that braking and changing gears.

Jack: Yeah, yeah. We can’t all be fitness fanatics, but I have been thinking of getting my bike out of the garage. I’ve been putting on a bit of weight recently. I am a bit out of shape.

Rich: Recently? When was the last time you used that? I’d be surprised if it wasn’t a kid’s BMX.

Jack: When was the last time you were on a bike Mr tour de France?

Rowan: Leave it out you two. I think it’s a great idea. You’ll be as fit as a fiddle in no time if you start cycling to work.

Rich: Well, I’m going to get my mountain bike out. Rowan has inspired me. I’m going to cycle to work.

Jack: When?

Rich: Tomorrow!

Rowan: Remember to pace yourself, you don’t want to wear yourself out on the first day. What about you, Jack?

Jack: Maybe the day after tomorrow?

Language Focus 1 - Fitness

Rich: Before the roleplay, we asked you a question. The question was:

Rowan:  Who seems to be the fittest out of the three of us?

Jack: Well, the answer, without a doubt, is Rowan. She cycles to work every morning while I drive and Rich gets the bus.

Rich: But, I’ve decided that I’m going to get on my bike to work because I want to get fit.

Rowan: Get fit means to become healthier and be able to exercise more easily.

Jack: We used quite a few phrases connected to exercise and getting fit in that roleplay. Let’s look at a few more.

Rich: Let’s start with the easier phrases and get more difficult as we go along. Let’s start with the word exercise.

Rowan: Exercise can be a noun or a verb and is the physical activity we do to stay healthy. 

Jack: I exercise every morning before breakfast.

Rich: I do exercise every morning.

Rowan: The most common verb-noun collocation is do exercise not have exercise or make exercise.

Jack: We’ve already mentioned getting fit or to get fit. Rich wants to get fit. In the roleplay, Rowan says she cycles to keep fit.

Rich: To keep fit means to stay or remain fit. She is already fit so she uses her bike to keep fit. I’m not fit but I want to become fit - I want to get fit.

Rowan: We used a couple of phrases with the word shape which are used to describe the shape or form of our bodies or our fitness levels more generally. I said the bike helps me stay in shape. This is similar in meaning to keep fit.

Jack: I said I was a bit out of shape. When we are out of shape we are unfit and not in a physically strong or healthy condition.

Rich: We mentioned the phrase putting on weight. To put on weight means to become fatter and heavier - to increase. We all put on and lose weight at different points of our lives.

Rowan: I used the phrase tough workout in the roleplay. A workout is some time when you do some physical exercise. You might do a half an hour workout in the gym every afternoon.

Jack: Tough means difficult or hard so a tough workout is an extra difficult period of physical activity.

Rich: Although Rowan was being sarcastic when she described my bus journey as a tough workout!

Rowan: Let’s look at a couple of more difficult phrases. I said that I really push myself on Mondays.

Jack: To push yourself means to challenge yourself and to work hard. We often talk about people pushing themselves to the limits which means working as hard as they possibly can.

Rich: Rowan is fit so she can push herself but I should probably take it easy on my first bike ride.

Rowan: To take something easy means to relax and not to push yourself too hard. It would be a good idea for Rich to take it easy at first. I also said that he should pace himself.

Jack: To pace yourself means to find the right speed so you can be sure that you will have enough energy to get to the end.

Rich: Rowan said I need to do this so I don’t wear myself out. To wear yourself out is a phrasal verb that means to become tired through doing something too much.

Rowan: Our final phrase is an idiom - fit as a fiddle. I said Rich would be as fit as a fiddle in no time if he starts cycling to work.

Jack: To be fit as a fiddle means to be in great physical condition.

Rowan: You’re about to listen to a second roleplay. Rich is cycling to work. 

Jack: While you’re listening we want you to answer a question. The question is: What problem does Rich’s bike have?

Roleplay 2 - Day 2 - Bike Problems

Rich: Day two.

Rowan: Morning, Jack.

Jack: You beat me to work this morning.

Rowan: No sign of Rich yet?

Jack: No, he’s probably trying to get his bike onto a bus somewhere or the chain fell off thirty seconds after leaving his house.

Rowan: At least he’s giving it a go, Jack. You should get out of that gas-guzzler of yours and cycle to work, too.

Jack: Look at that hill over there. I wouldn’t get up that in first gear and I’d get all hot and sweaty before work. No thanks.

Jack: It’s Rich. I bet he’s got a puncture and forgotten his pump. Rich. What’s up?

Rich: I’m going to be a bit late.

Jack: (He’s going to be late.) What’s happened, mate?

Rich: I’ve fallen off.

Jack: You’ve fallen off. You’ve fallen off your bike. Are you all right?

Rich: Yeah, I think so. I’m a bit shook up. I was riding down Main Street and the wheel fell off.

Jack: The wheel fell off? 

Rich: Yeah. I tried putting the brakes on and went right over the handlebars.

Jack: Are you sure you’re all right?

Rich: Yeah, I’m glad I had my helmet on. I landed with a bit of a bump.

Jack: I’ll come and pick you up in my gas-guzzler.

Rich: That’d be great.

Jack: I’ll be there as soon as I can.

Rowan: Is he all right?

Jack: I’m sure he’ll be fine. Have you got a puncture repair kit?

Language Focus 2 - Bikes

Rich: Before the roleplay, we asked you a question. The question was:

Rowan: What problem does Rich’s bike have?

Jack: Well, he had an accident because a wheel fell off his bike. Was it the front wheel or the back wheel, Rich?

Rich: It was the front wheel. I really should have checked my bike was in good condition before I set off.
Rowan: Yes, that would have been a good idea. Let’s look at some language. We’re quickly going to look at some words about bikes.

Jack: Rich doesn’t seem to know that much about bicycles so let’s test him.

Rowan: While you wait for Rich’s answer see if you can guess first. All of the answers were in the roleplay.

Jack: Here we go. Number one: You use these to stop.

Rich: Feet … no, er … brakes.

Rowan: Number two: You wear this on your head.

Rich: OK, I know this because I had one on. A helmet.

Jack: Number three: You might get this if you ride over some glass or something very sharp while on your bike.

Rich: Yes, of course, a hole. A hole in the tyre and all the air comes out. A puncture. It’s called a puncture.

Rowan: Number four: Bits of metal that are attached to each other and it goes round and round when you move the pedals. 

Rich: That’s more difficult … the wheels … no .. it comes off if it’s loose. The chain. The bicycle chain.

Jack: Number five: You need this if there isn’t enough air in your tyres. You should have it attached to your bike.

Rich: Yes, I’ve got one of these. It’s a pump.

Rowan: Number six: You hold onto these when you’re riding a bike. You went flying over them when you crashed your bike in the roleplay.

Rich: Yes, thanks for reminding me. I went flying over the handlebars.

Jack: Number seven: Your bike might have 21 or 24 of these. A car usually has five.

Rich: Yes, these are called gears. You need first gear when you go up very steep hills.

Rowan: Ok, the last one, number eight: A bike has two of these. You lost one on your way to work.

Rich: Yes, very funny. The answer is wheels.

Jack: Actually, Rich you knew more bicycle vocabulary than I realised.

Rowan: If you want to check your understanding of this vocabulary we have an activity for you to do on the lesson page for this podcast on the Premier Skills English website.

Rowan: You’re about to listen to the third roleplay. Rich has decided to carry on cycling to work despite his accident. 

Jack: While you’re listening we want you to answer a question. The question is: Why has Rich chosen this bicycle?

Roleplay 3 - Day 3 - The solution

Rich: Day three.

Jack: Not so quick this morning, Rowan.

Rowan: It’s not all about speed, Jack. I’ve been working on my strength. I thought I’d take on that hill you pointed out yesterday.

Jack: And?

Rowan: Didn’t even need to go into third gear. Hardly broke a sweat.

Jack: Well, you are on the bike every day, aren’t you?

Rowan: How’s Rich?

Jack: He’s fine. He says he’s going to give it another go today.

Rowan: That’s the spirit - you can’t give up on these things.

Jack: Look! Here he is now.

Rowan: He looks good. He’s not pedalling much.

Jack: But, he’s going pretty quickly.

Rich: Morning guys.

Jack: What’s this then? It’s definitely not the bits of bike I dropped off at your house last night.

Rich: Nope. It’s my new bike. What do you think?

Rowan: Is it an e-bike?

Jack: An e-bike??

Rowan: An electric bike. It looks really good. How is it to ride?

Rich: It’s brilliant. 

Jack: Isn’t that cheating? I thought you wanted to get fit.

Rich: You do still have to peddle although not as much but I’ll use it loads more, especially to get to work. 

Rowan: They’re much better for the environment. More environmentally friendly. Much greener than that.

Jack: Than what?

Rowan: Than that gas-guzzler over there. No pollution and no emissions. Energy-efficient!

Rich: And cheaper, too. And definitely easier to park.

Jack: Easier to park you say … so where did you get this e-bike then, how many gears has it got, how fast can it go?

Language Focus 2 - Environment

Rich: Before the roleplay, we asked you a question. The question was:

Jack: Why has Rich chosen this bicycle?

Rowan: Well, Rich now has an electric bike and i mentioned how good they are for the environment but I have a suspicion that he bought it because it’s easier to ride than a normal bike.

Rich: That’s not true. Well, it may have been a consideration.

Jack: In this final language section we want to have a look at a few words and phrases connected to the environment.

Rowan: The first is environmentally-friendly. We describe something as environmentally-friendly if it’s not harmful to our environment and the world around us.

Rich: Some similar phrases we used are it’s much better for the environment and it’s greener.

Jack: We also described electric bikes as being energy efficient. 

Rowan: We describe something as energy-efficient if it doesn’t use very much electricity or oil or gas or it uses less energy than what is traditionally used for the same thing.

Rich: Electric bikes are much more energy-efficient than motorbikes or cars - especially gas-guzzlers like Jack’s.

Jack: A gas-guzzler is a big car that uses lots of diesel or petrol. I don’t really have one of these!

Rowan: These days homes are often more energy-efficient because they have better windows and insulation from cold weather.

Rich: If you want to learn more about the language we’ve used in this podcast we have more exercises on the lesson page on the Premier Skills English website.


Rich: In this week’s task, we want you to tell us why riding a bike is such a good idea and when you usually ride a bike.

Rowan: We want you to think of three topics: health and fitness, cost and the environment.

Jack: Can you tell us why it’s good to get on our bikes?

Rich: Also tell us when you use your bikes and where you go by bike and whether you think you might use your bike more in the future?

Rowan: And if you don’t have a bike or don’t use it much tell us why not.

Jack: Write all your answers in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website or Apple Podcasts if that’s where you listen to us.

Football Phrase

Rich: Have you got a football phrase for us, Jack?

Jack: I have. This week’s football phrase is **** ********. This phrase describes a player, usually in a defensive position, who is looking at the ball and not looking at the opponent they are supposed to be marking. The defender was caught **** ********* at a corner which allowed the unmarked striker to head the ball into the net.

Rowan: I think a few people should get that one.If you are still wondering what the answer was to last week’s really difficult football phrase it was to camp in another team’s half.

Rich: Right, that’s all we have time for this week! Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below. If you get it right, we’ll announce your name on next week’s show. 

Jack: If you have a question for us about football or English you can email us at

Rowan: or you can leave your questions and comments on the website in the comments section or on our Facebook page or Twitter feed

Rich: or you could give us a rating and a fantastic review on Apple Podcasts.

Jack: Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

Here is the vocabulary you saw at the top of this page and how Rowan, Rich and Jack used it in the roleplay. Do you know the words in bold?

I had to stand up. The bus was packed.

We can’t all be fitness fanatics, but I have been thinking of getting my bike out of the garage.

I’m going to get my mountain bike out. Rowan has inspired me. I’m going to cycle to work.

I’d get all hot and sweaty before work. No thanks.

Didn’t even need to go into third gear. Hardly broke a sweat.

Isn’t that cheating? I thought you wanted to get fit.

Listen to the roleplays again to hear how Rich, Rowan and Jack used these words and phrases.

Have you ever cycled to work?


Health & Fitness

In the first roleplay, you heard Jack, Rowan and Rich using quite a few phrases about health and fitness. Here are some of the phrases that were used in the roleplay. Do you know the phrases in bold?

Maybe I could do that - do some exercise and get fit.

I take it easy most days but on Mondays I really push myself

The bike helps me keep fit and stay in shape

I’ve been putting on a bit of weight recently. I am a bit out of shape.

You’ll be as fit as a fiddle in no time if you start cycling to work.

Cycling to work can be relaxing.



In the second roleplay, you heard Jack, Rowan and Rich using quite a few words and phrases about bikes. Here are some of the words that were used in the roleplay. Do you know the phrases in bold?

The chain probably fell off thirty seconds after leaving his house.

I wouldn’t get up that hill in first gear.

I bet he’s got a puncture and forgotten his pump

I was riding down Main Street and the wheel fell off.

I tried putting the brakes on and went right over the handlebars.

I’m glad I had my helmet on. I landed with a bit of a bump.

Activity 2

Activity 2: Look at the bike and add the vocabulary.
Do you know the different parts of a bike?

What's best for the environment?


The environment

In the third roleplay, you heard Jack, Rowan and Rich using a few phrases about the environment. Here are some of the phrases that were used in the roleplay. Do you know the phrases in bold?

They’re much better for the environment.

More environmentally-friendly.

Much greener than that gas-guzzler.

No pollution and no emissions. Energy-efficient!


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Get on your bike!

Do you use your bike?

In this week’s task, we want you to tell us why riding a bike is such a good idea and when you usually ride a bike. We want you to think of three topics:

  • health and fitness
  • cost
  • the environment

Also, tell us when you use your bike, where you go by bike and whether you think you might use your bike more in the future. If you don’t have a bike or don’t use it much tell us why not.

Try to use the words and phrases connected to bikes, fitness and the environment we introduced in the podcast. Write your answers below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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Riding a bike is good for our health and fitness , and it's a chance to exercise and get fit . I have fun when I ride the bike with my friends.
Usually , I ride my bike early in the morning at the park , sometimes I ride it in the farm or in my grandmothers yard .
I beleve that riding a bike is good for the invironment and less pollution from cars .
I think I might ride my bike more in the future when we buy our new house with a bigger yard like we are planing to do .

20/10/2020 17:30
Saudi Arabia
Brighton and Hove Albion

Riding a bike is good for our health and fitness , and it's a chance to exercise and get fit . I have fun when I ride the bike with my friends.
Usually , I ride my bike early in the morning at the park , sometimes I ride it in the farm or in my grandmothers yard .
I beleve that riding a bike is good for the invironment and less pollution from cars .
I think I might ride my bike more in the future when we buy our new house with a bigger yard like we are planing to do .

hsn's picture

Riding bike make muscles strong which increase strength and helps cardiovascular system. It’s also possible to loose weight.
Environmental pollution is main issue in these days.Except industrial pollution much of them are being made by the people. Like car emmision,household wastes e.t.c.
Electrical car may be an alternative to solve this problem. But bicycle is unbelievable useful and cheap transporting vehicle .It’s also much beter for environment.
Luckily my office isn't so far to my home and our company provided us shuttle on the business days. So I like cycling at the week-end. It keeps me fit and healthy. I don’t like driving. I use it only when shopping.
Unfortunately there is no so much cycle path in my country. People generally don’t prefer this commuting way. I hope numbers of both of them increase in the future.

hsn's picture
16/10/2020 16:29
Tottenham Hotspur

Riding bike make muscles strong which increase strength and helps cardiovascular system. It’s also possible to loose weight.
Environmental pollution is main issue in these days.Except industrial pollution much of them are being made by the people. Like car emmision,household wastes e.t.c.
Electrical car may be an alternative to solve this problem. But bicycle is unbelievable useful and cheap transporting vehicle .It’s also much beter for environment.
Luckily my office isn't so far to my home and our company provided us shuttle on the business days. So I like cycling at the week-end. It keeps me fit and healthy. I don’t like driving. I use it only when shopping.
Unfortunately there is no so much cycle path in my country. People generally don’t prefer this commuting way. I hope numbers of both of them increase in the future.

wsanta's picture

Have you seen today's stage of the Giro d'Italia? It was won by British cyclist Alex Dowsett. I was waiting for this stage because it was passing through Manfredonia, the birthplace of my grandmother's mother.

wsanta's picture
10/10/2020 15:55
Leeds United

Have you seen today's stage of the Giro d'Italia? It was won by British cyclist Alex Dowsett. I was waiting for this stage because it was passing through Manfredonia, the birthplace of my grandmother's mother.

Gergő Nagy

I use my own bike to go wherever i want get.
Basically I use it with destinations for example: School, Post Office, or if i have to arrange some things in the city centre.
My bike was really expensive but if you count the cost, that's almost nothing.
My mountain bike is 5 years old and I've never had a puncture since then . I don't travel by bus or train only if i have to go another city. In Szolnok , Hungary there are lots of cycle pathways. We can also take a trip to explore the city and go through the River Tisza and Zagyva or go along the promenade.
Everyone who rides a bike try to bemore environmentally friendly.

Gergő Nagy
06/10/2020 09:00

I use my own bike to go wherever i want get.
Basically I use it with destinations for example: School, Post Office, or if i have to arrange some things in the city centre.
My bike was really expensive but if you count the cost, that's almost nothing.
My mountain bike is 5 years old and I've never had a puncture since then . I don't travel by bus or train only if i have to go another city. In Szolnok , Hungary there are lots of cycle pathways. We can also take a trip to explore the city and go through the River Tisza and Zagyva or go along the promenade.
Everyone who rides a bike try to bemore environmentally friendly.

Robert Tavares's picture
Robert Tavares

I think that cycling is the better way to keep fit, reduce pollution and save money at the same time.
I have a MTB and usually cycling on weekend because in the city where I live have a lot of hills. So is difficult to ride to work. There are a lagun near my house named Pampulha where I can cycling every weekend. It's about 18 kilometers around it. It's an awesome hobby.

By for now!

Robert Tavares's picture
Robert Tavares
06/10/2020 01:26
Leeds United

I think that cycling is the better way to keep fit, reduce pollution and save money at the same time.
I have a MTB and usually cycling on weekend because in the city where I live have a lot of hills. So is difficult to ride to work. There are a lagun near my house named Pampulha where I can cycling every weekend. It's about 18 kilometers around it. It's an awesome hobby.

By for now!

Robert Tavares's picture
Robert Tavares

Hi lads!
I think that this week's football phase is caught have sleeping.

Robert Tavares's picture
Robert Tavares
06/10/2020 01:03
Leeds United

Hi lads!
I think that this week's football phase is caught have sleeping.

Max Alex's picture
Max Alex

The football phrase could be: "easy distract".
It was just my wild guess.

Max Alex's picture
Max Alex
30/09/2020 15:29
Tottenham Hotspur

The football phrase could be: "easy distract".
It was just my wild guess.

mobeckham's picture

May I ask a simple question ?

Is there any difference between a bike and a bicycle or they are synonyms and the same between riding a bike and cycling ?

Thanks in advance.

mobeckham's picture
29/09/2020 15:13
Manchester United

May I ask a simple question ?

Is there any difference between a bike and a bicycle or they are synonyms and the same between riding a bike and cycling ?

Thanks in advance.

mobeckham's picture

Hello Premier Skills English friends !

Cycling is one of the most exciting activities you can ever do.
Riding your bicycle early in the morning or late at night breathing fresh air and improve your health and fitness level is such a joy to do.

Cycling like any other activity has its pros and cons.
Nonetheless , it has much more pros than its cons for instance , it's a sport so you can train yourself and boost your fitness to another level. it's cheaper than driving a car or even taking a bus or subway.
Moreover , it's environmentally friendly so you help the society to go green and protect it from pollution.
There are a few cons as well for example it's more dangerous to ride a bike especially when it's raining or snowing or even when it's too hot. In addition to that , you might be late and very sweaty if it's a long way to ride. At last , it's really hard to ride your bike while wearing formally.

I used to have a bicycle when I was young back in Egypt and it was a beautiful speedy green and black one but since we moved into Turkey I don't need to get a bike because we have some bicycle stations everywhere here so we only buy a card called BISIM and charge it then we go to any station and hire a bike.
I prefer to use bikes everywhere when going out with friends and going for courses but I use school shuttles when I go to work.

Since March 2020 , they brought some exciting bicycles with 2 seats so you can ride it with your friend or family member and travel the city of Izmir by the seaside which is incredibly fun and cheap at the same time.

Thanks for reading and sorry for writing too much :)

mobeckham's picture
29/09/2020 15:11
Manchester United

Hello Premier Skills English friends !

Cycling is one of the most exciting activities you can ever do.
Riding your bicycle early in the morning or late at night breathing fresh air and improve your health and fitness level is such a joy to do.

Cycling like any other activity has its pros and cons.
Nonetheless , it has much more pros than its cons for instance , it's a sport so you can train yourself and boost your fitness to another level. it's cheaper than driving a car or even taking a bus or subway.
Moreover , it's environmentally friendly so you help the society to go green and protect it from pollution.
There are a few cons as well for example it's more dangerous to ride a bike especially when it's raining or snowing or even when it's too hot. In addition to that , you might be late and very sweaty if it's a long way to ride. At last , it's really hard to ride your bike while wearing formally.

I used to have a bicycle when I was young back in Egypt and it was a beautiful speedy green and black one but since we moved into Turkey I don't need to get a bike because we have some bicycle stations everywhere here so we only buy a card called BISIM and charge it then we go to any station and hire a bike.
I prefer to use bikes everywhere when going out with friends and going for courses but I use school shuttles when I go to work.

Since March 2020 , they brought some exciting bicycles with 2 seats so you can ride it with your friend or family member and travel the city of Izmir by the seaside which is incredibly fun and cheap at the same time.

Thanks for reading and sorry for writing too much :)


Hi, everyone!

Riding a bike is a good way to get on shape. When you are cycling you exercise your body and your mind because your need paying attention in the road (here in São Paulo we don't have enough cycleways) because there are a lot cars on the roads.

Other advantage is the cost. Having a bike is cheaper than a car at all. The bike is cheaper and the daily consumption also is a lot of low and, like Rowan, you can arrive earliest at work , and avoid the stress of the traffic. The disadvantage is the sweat, but a good deodorant can solve that problem potential.

The earth also thanks.Would be pretty good if the people, at least twice on week, going to work by bike, the pollution will decrease a lot and we would breath better.

But I confess, I'm being a little bit hypocritical, because it does a lot of years I don't riding a bike, like Rich I'm lazy about riding bycicle. So, You continue riding your bike for me and save the earth. :)

29/09/2020 00:05
Manchester City

Hi, everyone!

Riding a bike is a good way to get on shape. When you are cycling you exercise your body and your mind because your need paying attention in the road (here in São Paulo we don't have enough cycleways) because there are a lot cars on the roads.

Other advantage is the cost. Having a bike is cheaper than a car at all. The bike is cheaper and the daily consumption also is a lot of low and, like Rowan, you can arrive earliest at work , and avoid the stress of the traffic. The disadvantage is the sweat, but a good deodorant can solve that problem potential.

The earth also thanks.Would be pretty good if the people, at least twice on week, going to work by bike, the pollution will decrease a lot and we would breath better.

But I confess, I'm being a little bit hypocritical, because it does a lot of years I don't riding a bike, like Rich I'm lazy about riding bycicle. So, You continue riding your bike for me and save the earth. :)

PauloVictor's picture

Hello Guys!

Fist of all, thank you for this podcast. It has been so useful, I have improved a lot my listening skills a lot since I started to listen it.

I always go to work by bike. I have a Goakeeper Academy in Petropolis, Rj - Brazil. I love do it, it is something not only good to our healthy, but also it is good because we save money and don't have to be stuck on the traffic.

Thank you one more time! See you!

PauloVictor's picture
28/09/2020 16:08
Manchester City

Hello Guys!

Fist of all, thank you for this podcast. It has been so useful, I have improved a lot my listening skills a lot since I started to listen it.

I always go to work by bike. I have a Goakeeper Academy in Petropolis, Rj - Brazil. I love do it, it is something not only good to our healthy, but also it is good because we save money and don't have to be stuck on the traffic.

Thank you one more time! See you!

elghoul's picture

Hi, my first guess for football phrase is 'over ********'

elghoul's picture
27/09/2020 14:21
Manchester City

Hi, my first guess for football phrase is 'over ********'

elghoul's picture


For my second try I choose 'only ********'.

elghoul's picture
29/09/2020 13:01
Manchester City


For my second try I choose 'only ********'.

admin's picture

Hi Elghoul

You are very close with this one. In this phrase, the problem is that the player is distracted because they are paying too much attention to something when they should be keeping an eye on the players they should be marking. This phrase is easier than you think.



admin's picture
29/09/2020 13:19
United Kingdom

Hi Elghoul

You are very close with this one. In this phrase, the problem is that the player is distracted because they are paying too much attention to something when they should be keeping an eye on the players they should be marking. This phrase is easier than you think.



elghoul's picture

Since he had an knee injury he has been riding by bike every day for one hour. His health takes good benefite doing these out works. His knee was getting fitter day after day and after two month doing exercices his GP concluded on his  full recovery.

He is now able to walk and even run without any medecine or extra cost for any sort of surgery.

Using his bike has been reducing on emissions and pollution because he used to spend that every day time to ride on his gas-guzzler 600 hundreds cm3 motor bike.

elghoul's picture
27/09/2020 14:07
Manchester City

Since he had an knee injury he has been riding by bike every day for one hour. His health takes good benefite doing these out works. His knee was getting fitter day after day and after two month doing exercices his GP concluded on his  full recovery.

He is now able to walk and even run without any medecine or extra cost for any sort of surgery.

Using his bike has been reducing on emissions and pollution because he used to spend that every day time to ride on his gas-guzzler 600 hundreds cm3 motor bike.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

The Phrase is **** ********! 

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
27/09/2020 01:24

The Phrase is **** ********! 

wsanta's picture

This year I contracted coronavirus when the tour de France began, the isolation allowed me to see all the stages. I was surprised that Pogacar won.

wsanta's picture
26/09/2020 20:51
Leeds United

This year I contracted coronavirus when the tour de France began, the isolation allowed me to see all the stages. I was surprised that Pogacar won.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

Take care with viruses, Walter, and let your Leeds get a good place in the table in the end!

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
27/09/2020 01:21

Take care with viruses, Walter, and let your Leeds get a good place in the table in the end!

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

Hi, Wsanta. Who is this man, Pogacar?

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
27/09/2020 00:59

Hi, Wsanta. Who is this man, Pogacar?

wsanta's picture

Tadej Pogacar is the Slovenian cyclist champion of the Tour de France, only 21 years old. He has a huge future although he is also being investigated for an alleged doping.
Thanks again Alex. Cheers!

wsanta's picture
28/09/2020 04:15
Leeds United

Tadej Pogacar is the Slovenian cyclist champion of the Tour de France, only 21 years old. He has a huge future although he is also being investigated for an alleged doping.
Thanks again Alex. Cheers!

wsanta's picture

Cycling brings back many beautiful memories, my father raced when he was young and I miss him a lot. He had been born into a humble family of Canarian and Calabrian immigrants and in order to buy his French and Italian racing bikes he had to work hard and from a very young age.
With my father and my brother we used to ride our bikes in the early morning, we carried our fishing rods and the football ball. We used to watch the sunrise while we were fishing in the Rio de la Plata, the widest river in the world.
My father loved old British touring bikes for ladies with bar brakes. He used to say that in India they built good touring bikes because they had been a British colony.
I'm an expert in teaching children to ride a bicycle, I tie a broomstick to the frame of the bicycle with some seals, this allows me to accompany the child without letting go of the bicycle and without hurting my back. People often congratulate me on this idea.

wsanta's picture
26/09/2020 20:48
Leeds United

Cycling brings back many beautiful memories, my father raced when he was young and I miss him a lot. He had been born into a humble family of Canarian and Calabrian immigrants and in order to buy his French and Italian racing bikes he had to work hard and from a very young age.
With my father and my brother we used to ride our bikes in the early morning, we carried our fishing rods and the football ball. We used to watch the sunrise while we were fishing in the Rio de la Plata, the widest river in the world.
My father loved old British touring bikes for ladies with bar brakes. He used to say that in India they built good touring bikes because they had been a British colony.
I'm an expert in teaching children to ride a bicycle, I tie a broomstick to the frame of the bicycle with some seals, this allows me to accompany the child without letting go of the bicycle and without hurting my back. People often congratulate me on this idea.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

An idea with a broomstick is amazing, Walter.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
27/09/2020 01:03

An idea with a broomstick is amazing, Walter.

wsanta's picture

Thanks Alex

wsanta's picture
27/09/2020 03:33
Leeds United

Thanks Alex

Jhon Baron-Oliveros's picture
Jhon Baron-Oliveros

Hi! Yes you are right my Daniel is my brother. He lives in Colombia and I live now in Australia. We always try to guess together. I think the phrase of this week is **** ********. But I’m not sure because in the transcript are 8 asterisks first and then 9. But that is my guess. I have to confess I don’t follow football but I love the podcast! Great job!

Jhon Baron-Oliveros's picture
Jhon Baron-Oliveros
26/09/2020 13:59

Hi! Yes you are right my Daniel is my brother. He lives in Colombia and I live now in Australia. We always try to guess together. I think the phrase of this week is **** ********. But I’m not sure because in the transcript are 8 asterisks first and then 9. But that is my guess. I have to confess I don’t follow football but I love the podcast! Great job!

admin's picture

Hi Jhon

Yes - it was a typo. You have the right answer. I thought I had edited your comment before I published it, but my internet is playing up today. 



admin's picture
27/09/2020 01:13
United Kingdom

Hi Jhon

Yes - it was a typo. You have the right answer. I thought I had edited your comment before I published it, but my internet is playing up today. 



Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

I've also noticed the difference in asterisks, It could have been a typo.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
27/09/2020 01:09

I've also noticed the difference in asterisks, It could have been a typo.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

The Phrase this time is **** GAWKING.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
26/09/2020 06:12

The Phrase this time is **** GAWKING.

SinyorOzen's picture

My home is very near to Greece(it is approximate 15km) so before the corona pandemic I prefer bicyle to Greece cause it is easier, don't need car visa also you don't have to wait cars line on the border. There is a just one handicap for ridding bicyle, that is havy raining.

SinyorOzen's picture
25/09/2020 21:46
Tottenham Hotspur

My home is very near to Greece(it is approximate 15km) so before the corona pandemic I prefer bicyle to Greece cause it is easier, don't need car visa also you don't have to wait cars line on the border. There is a just one handicap for ridding bicyle, that is havy raining.

wsanta's picture

Hello SinyorOzen, I imagine that this trip must have very beautiful landscapes. Regards!!!

wsanta's picture
26/09/2020 21:10
Leeds United

Hello SinyorOzen, I imagine that this trip must have very beautiful landscapes. Regards!!!

mobeckham's picture

I think this week’s football phrase is ( caught sleeping ) or ( caught napping )

mobeckham's picture
25/09/2020 19:03
Manchester United

I think this week’s football phrase is ( caught sleeping ) or ( caught napping )

mobeckham's picture

Last attempt might be either ( open space ) or ( mark mismatched )

mobeckham's picture
02/10/2020 08:11
Manchester United

Last attempt might be either ( open space ) or ( mark mismatched )

Daniel_Baron1503's picture

Hi everyone.
Yes, Jhon is my brother. We always help each other to guess it.
I think that the phrase of the week is **** ********.

Daniel_Baron1503's picture
25/09/2020 15:53

Hi everyone.
Yes, Jhon is my brother. We always help each other to guess it.
I think that the phrase of the week is **** ********.

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the phrase is "**** ********"

Liubomyr's picture
25/09/2020 15:40

I think that the phrase is "**** ********"

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

I have 7 bikes - from child to sports ones. Usually, I ride a mountain bike which I got from my son some 12 years ago when he bought a moped (now he's got a second car - Chevrolet :-) ). The bikes keep me in form, help me be alive and kicking. I prefer going to my summer house on the bike ( about 50 km), because in the city we have too many cars: though they don't have any advantage over me as a rule, they pollute the air and people's lungs.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
25/09/2020 15:33

I have 7 bikes - from child to sports ones. Usually, I ride a mountain bike which I got from my son some 12 years ago when he bought a moped (now he's got a second car - Chevrolet :-) ). The bikes keep me in form, help me be alive and kicking. I prefer going to my summer house on the bike ( about 50 km), because in the city we have too many cars: though they don't have any advantage over me as a rule, they pollute the air and people's lungs.

wsanta's picture

Great Alex, seven bikes, you could use a different one every day of the week :)

wsanta's picture
26/09/2020 20:56
Leeds United

Great Alex, seven bikes, you could use a different one every day of the week :)

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

Hi, Walter. Three of them need repairing, two - assembling (sports ones), and one is my father's bike (half road half sports)- I got all my cycling skills with it - disassembled and I am prone to use it for spare parts.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
27/09/2020 01:19

Hi, Walter. Three of them need repairing, two - assembling (sports ones), and one is my father's bike (half road half sports)- I got all my cycling skills with it - disassembled and I am prone to use it for spare parts.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

What a great, useful, and timely topic!

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
25/09/2020 14:58

What a great, useful, and timely topic!


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United143452
5Manchester City58595
6Tottenham Hotspur19327
7Newcastle United10545
8West Ham United7637
9AFC Bournemouth4875
10Crystal Palace4491


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Vocabulary: Cycling

Vocabulary: Health & Fitness

Vocabulary: The environment

Task: Why is it good to get on your bike?