Understanding Grammar: Superlatives
Understanding Grammar: Superlatives
In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Rich is having problems choosing presents to buy for family and friends. Jack thinks the easiest thing to do is buy everyone the same present. What do you think this present is? The language focus is on superlative adjectives. Your task is to create a 'best' list. Tell us about the best football match you've ever seen, the most exciting film you've ever watched or the tastiest food you've ever tasted. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.
Understanding Grammar: Superlatives
Jack: Hello my name’s Jack
Rich: and I’m Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast
Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.
Rich: We recommend that you listen to this podcast on the Premier Skills English website because that is where we have the transcript, language examples, activities, quizzes and a discussion page to help you understand everything we talk about.
Jack: However, if you’re listening on Apple Podcasts, you can leave answers to our questions in the review section. We do read all the reviews and would love to hear from you.
Rich: Don’t forget that we have our football English podcast called This Week that you can listen to at the start of every week.
Jack: In This Week we talk about the latest action from the Premier League and help you with football vocabulary. It’s on the Premier Skills English homepage now.
Rich: In today’s podcast, we’re going to focus on grammar. We’re going to look at superlative adjectives.
Jack: We use superlative adjectives or sometimes we just call them superlatives to compare three or more people or things.
Rich: You’ve probably studied this before. First, you study comparatives, for example, Liverpool are better than Arsenal, Liverpool play more exciting football than Arsenal, Liverpool fans must be happier than Arsenal fans at the moment.
Jack: Yes, OK, we’ve got that. And after comparatives, you probably studied superlatives.
Rich: Liverpool are the best team in the Premier League, Liverpool play the most exciting football on the planet and Liverpool fans must be the happiest football fans on earth right now.
Jack: So, there you heard a few examples of superlatives or superlative adjectives. In this podcast, we’re going to remind you how to use superlatives correctly and look at a few difficult examples.
Rich: In this week’s roleplay, we’re going to be buying presents for people.
Jack: Well, more precisely, we’re thinking about what presents to buy for people. Christmas is in a couple of weeks and we don’t know what to get for family and friends.
Rich: And in this week’s task you will need to use some superlative adjectives.
Jack: Great, but before you hear the roleplay and we look at that grammar, we need to look at last week’s football phrase.
Last week’s Football Phrase
Jack: If you didn’t hear our football phrase last week we’re going to give you one more chance to guess now. We’ll give you the correct answer at the end of the show when we give you a new football phrase.
Rich: A big well done if you got it right last week - it was a really difficult one.
Jack: Yes, well done to Luibomyr from Ukraine and Lakerwang from China who were the only listeners to get the phrase exactly right. Let’s hear it one more time. Do you know what the phrase is?
Rich: The phrase is ***** **********. The phrase is used when fans complain about the decisions made by the person in charge of a game of football - usually because decisions don’t go in their team’s favour. The first word in the phrase means bad or dishonest and is quite informal. Fans might say ‘the match was ruined by some ***** **********’ if they think decisions didn’t go their way.
Jack: We’ll give you the answer at the end of the show and we’ll have a new football phrase for you to guess.
Introduction to Roleplay
Rich: As we said earlier, in this week’s roleplay, we’re thinking about Christmas and what presents to buy for people.
Jack: While you are listening to the roleplay, we have a question for you to answer.
Rich: The question is: What does Jack suggest I buy for my sister?
Jack: That’s the longest shopping list I’ve ever seen. What are you doing?
Rich: It’s not a shopping list. Well, I suppose it is. I’m writing down what to get everyone for Christmas.
Jack: I don’t need a list. It’s all in my head. It’s not the most difficult thing to remember because I only buy one present.
Rich: One present? Are you serious?
Jack: Yeah! I buy the same thing for everyone. It’s the simplest and easiest thing to do.
Rich: So, those socks you got for me last year with the little footballs on them.
Jack: Yeah, my dad got some, my sister got them, my cousins and all my friends got some. I bought them online, one-click - done. I got a massive discount, too. Cheapest Christmas ever.
Rich: And the least thoughtful. I’ve been here for an hour already.
Jack: Let’s have a look. Lots of people there. Are you sure you don’t want to buy socks?
Rich: No socks.
Jack: Mugs? Mugs are good.
Rich: No Mugs.
Jack: How about biscuits?
Rich: You’re doing it wrong. You have to think about the person you’re buying the present for first and then come up with an idea.
Jack: OK OK - what have you got there? Let’s see your list.
Rich: Here you are.
Jack: Hmmm... Uncle Pete? You’ve just written football. He’s 78! I think he’s past his best to be honest.
Rich: He doesn’t play anymore. He did in his time though - he’s always talking about when he was one of the best central defenders for York City’s youth reserve teams in the late 1950s.
Jack: One of the best. I don’t doubt it.
Rich: He’s got to be the biggest Manchester Utd fans I know. He’s got United memorabilia all over his house. I’m trying to get him a signed photo or portrait of a player. I’ve seen this one of Ronaldo but it’s a bit pricey.
Jack: You should try the market in town. They’ve got one of the largest collections of old junk, I mean football memorabilia in town. Loads of old photos of players from the past I bet he’d like one of George Best or something.
Rich: That sounds promising. I’ll check it out later.
Jack: What’s this? A bed for Billie?
Rich: Yeah, I’ve seen the most comfortable looking bed in Aldi.
Jack: You’re buying a bed from Aldi as a Christmas present?
Rich: It’s on offer. It comes with a nice fleece blanket. She’s been looking a bit cold in the mornings so I thought she’d like a new bed.
Jack: That’s the weirdest present I’ve ever heard of.
Rich: You know Billie’s my new dog?
Jack: Ah! That makes sense now. Thank goodness for that. I was wondering how you were going to wrap it up.
Rich: That’d be silly. She can’t unwrap presents.
Jack: OK. What are you getting for your dad?
Rich: Cuttlefish bones.
Jack: Sorry? That’s another odd-sounding present.
Rich: They are for his budgies. You know - little parrots.
Jack: And they like cuttlefish bones?
Rich: They love them. They are the best thing for cleaning their beaks. They look like little surfboards.
Jack: Fair enough - you seem pretty confident about that gift. Erm... Who else is on that list? Your sister. You haven’t written anything next to her name.
Rich: I know. The thing is, she’s the trickiest person to buy something for. I never know what to get her.
Jack: Is it your eldest sister? What is she into?
Rich: Yeah. She’s into the environment - she likes walks in the countryside. She’s into technology but she’s probably bought everything she wants or needs already.
Jack: Here, let me type this in. Christmas present for sister … here we go best Christmas gifts for sisters, 42 greatest things to buy for sisters, 25 fabulous Christmas presents for your sister.
Rich: Let’s have a look. Bath and shower stuff, things for the home, kitchen things. These are probably the worst, most sexist presents I’ve ever seen.
Jack: You could always buy her socks!
Language Focus
Rich: Did you get the answer to our question? What does Jack suggest I buy for my sister?
Jack: Well, the answer, of course, is socks. The best present anyone can ever get for family or friends!
Rich: I’m not sure about that. Right, let’s move on to the language focus. This week we’re looking at superlative adjectives. We used lots of them in the roleplay.
Jack: We use superlative adjectives to compare three or more people, places or things.
Rich: The first thing to remember is that there are two forms of superlative adjectives. Some superlatives use the letters -est at the end of the regular adjective and some superlatives use the most before the regular adjective.
Jack: Let’s look at an example of each from the roleplay. I said to Rich ‘that’s the longest shopping list I’ve ever seen’.
Rich: And Jack said Christmas lists are not the most difficult thing to remember.
Jack: In the first example, the adjective is long and to make the superlative we add the and then the adjective with -est. In the second example, the adjective is difficult and to make the superlative we add the most before the adjective.
Rich: We add -est when the adjective is one syllable like long. Long becomes the longest. There are some spelling rules to remember here.
Jack: When the adjective ends with a vowel followed by a consonant like with the adjective ‘big’ we double the consonant.
Rich: So, the biggest has two Gs and the thinnest has two Ns.
Jack: When the adjective is three or more syllables long we use the most before the adjective. Difficult becomes the most difficult.
Rich: Let’s do a little test. I’ll say an adjective and you have to say the superlative before Jack. Let’s do an example: long
Jack: The longest
Rich: That was a bit too quick. Give them time. Another example: difficult
Jack: ... the most difficult
Rich: Great. Right, let’s do a few more. Big.
Jack: The biggest
Rich: interesting
Jack: The most interesting
Rich: large
Jack: The largest
Rich: generous
Jack: The most generous
Rich: That’s pretty easy but we also have to remember that there are some very common irregular superlatives.
Jack: The adjectives good, bad and far all very common and irregular. Good becomes the best, bad becomes the worst and far becomes the furthest or farthest.
Rich: OK, so that’s adjectives with one syllable and adjectives with three or more syllables but we have a problem, don’t we?
Jack: What about adjectives with two syllables? Here the rules are not so simple.
Rich: The first rule is that if the adjective ends in a -y like easy or tricky, then we drop the -y and add -iest.
Jack: In the roleplay, we said it’s the easiest thing to do and she’s the trickiest person to buy a present for.
Rich: With most other two-syllable adjectives we use the most. We say that’s the most thoughtful present, thank you.
Jack: And there are some two-syllable adjectives that you can use in both forms. Adjectives such as stupid, common and polite are adjectives that can be used in both forms.
Rich: There are also some common phrases we use with superlatives.
Jack: We often use in or of after superlatives. We say things like, he’s the best footballer in the world or that goal was the best of the lot or the best of the week.
Rich: We often use one of before superlatives - one of the best goals I ever saw was by Diego Maradona against England.
Jack: Or one of the worst goals I ever saw was by Diego Maradona against England. It was in the same match!
Rich: Finally, if you want to say the opposite of a superlative you can use the least instead of the most. I said socks were the least thoughtful present you could buy.
Jack: I think we use the least more often with longer superlatives. We say things like he was the least energetic of the athletes or he was the least enthusiastic about the idea.
Rich: I think you’re right. When we want to say the opposite of simple one-syllable adjectives like big or fat we tend to change the adjective rather than use ‘the least’.
Jack: We’ve got more examples and activities connected to superlatives on the website where you can practise the language we’ve been looking at in this podcast.
Rich: This week’s task is called The best list ever. What we we want you to do is finish the sentences with your own ideas.
Jack: We want you to complete the sentences in the comments section and be sure to look at the comments from other listeners too, to see if you have the same ideas.
Rich: The sentences are:
Number one: The best footballer of all time is ...
Number two: The most exciting film is ...
Number three: The most interesting book is ...
Number four: The most beautiful piece of music is ...
Number five: The tastiest food is ...
Number six: The best gift I’ve ever received is …
Jack: Try to give reasons for your answers and use superlative adjectives where you can.
Football Phrase
Rich: Ok, it’s time for this week’s football phrase.
Jack: I think it was the most difficult phrase we’ve ever had last week so let’s make this week’s phrase a little easier.
Rich: I think you’re right. It’s your turn, Jack.
Jack: OK, this week’s phrase is *** ** ***. This phrase is usually used to describe the action when an attacker is running towards goal and has the ball at their feet with only the goalkeeper to beat to score a goal. A commentator might say she’s *** ** *** with the keeper - she must score!
Rich: That’s a good one. I think a few will get the right answer.
Jack: If you’re still thinking about last week’s very tricky football phrase - the answer was dodgy refereeing.
Rich: Right, that’s all we have time for this week! Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below. If you get it right, we’ll announce your name on next week’s show.
Jack: Bye for now and enjoy your football!
How much did you understand?
In the podcast, Rich and Jack used a few difficult words and phrases. Do you know the words in bold?
I got a massive discount, too. Cheapest Christmas ever.
You have to think about the person first and then come up with an idea.
He’s got United memorabilia all over his house.
I’ve seen this signed photo of Ronaldo but it’s a bit pricey.
They’ve got one of the largest collections of old junk, I mean football memorabilia, in town
That’s the weirdest present I’ve ever heard of.
I was wondering how you were going to wrap it up.
These are probably the worst, most sexist presents I’ve ever seen.
Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words. This can really help your understanding.
Activity 1
Comparatives & Superlatives: A Review
In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich used lots of superlative forms. Before we look at the language in the roleplay in more detail, let's review how we use comparative and superlative forms. Here's a summary:
We use comparative adjectives to describe people and things. Normally, when an adjective is one syllable or ends with a 'y' we add '-er' to the adjective and when it is two or more syllables we use more + adjective. Here are some examples that Rich used in the podcast:
Liverpool are better than Arsenal.
Liverpool play more exciting than football than Arsenal.
Liverpool fans must be much happier at the moment than Arsenal fans.
We use superlative adjectives to describe the best or most extreme quality of something within a group of things. Normally, when an adjective is one syllable or ends with a 'y' we add -est to the adjective and often when it is two syllables and when the adjective is three or more syllables we use the most + adjective. Here are some examples from the podcast that Rich used:
Liverpool are the best team in the Premier League.
Liverpool play the most exciting football on the planet.
Liverpool fans must be the happiest fans on earth right now.
Activity 2
Phrases with superlatives
Jack and Rich used a lot of superlative adjectives in this week's roleplay. It is also very common to use specific prepositional phrases with superlatives. Take a look at the phrases in bold from the podcast:
I think Lionel Messi is the best player in the world.
One of the best goals I ever saw was by Diego Maradona against England.
That goal by Kevin de Buryne was the best of the week.
His third goal was the best of the lot.
Present perfect with superlatives
Superlatives often go together with the present perfect. Some examples include:
That's one of the best goals I've ever seen.
The most interesting book I've ever read is ...
The tastiest food I've ever tried is ...
The most spectacular place I've ever been to is ...
In this week's task, you can practise some of these types of sentence and in the activity below, you can test your understanding of some of the phrases we looked at in the podcast.

Please login to take this quiz.
Creating a 'best' list
This week’s task is to write the best list ever. Complete the sentences with your own ideas and give reasons. Try to use superlative adjectives in your answers. Don't forget to look at the comments from other listeners to see if you have the same ideas.
Here are your six sentences:
- The best footballer of all time is ...
- The most exciting film is ...
- The most interesting book is ...
- The most beautiful piece of music is ...
- The tastiest food is ...
- The best gift I’ve ever received is ...
Write your answers in the comments section below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!
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1. The best footballer of all time is ... PELE (In the World) METİN OKTAY (In my country)
2- The most exciting film is ... I prefer movies that based on the true stories. “QUEEN OF KATWE” is one of them.
3-The most interesting book is ... “THE GREATEST SALESMAN IN THE WORLD BY OG MANDINO” This book is suggested to everybody who looks for happiness.
4-The most beautiful piece of music is ...I LIKE “SUFİ” MUSIC.
5-The tastiest food is ...CHICKEN IN THE OWEN WITH POTATO especially when it 's made by my wife-:)
• Companies don't give priority to the least thoughtful persons who don't care about her/his colleagues when they recruit staff.
• There is clash in the market and we should immediately come up with new marketing strategies like discounts or ads.
• Director's last movie was the best of the lot.
• I 'm not sure that it's good idea to buy same gift for everyone. We should look out for each person's hobbies or necessities. A gift can’t be pricey. The important thing is to remember someone in special days.
16/03/2021 18:54
Tottenham Hotspur
1. The best footballer of all time is ... PELE (In the World) METİN OKTAY (In my country)
2- The most exciting film is ... I prefer movies that based on the true stories. “QUEEN OF KATWE” is one of them.
3-The most interesting book is ... “THE GREATEST SALESMAN IN THE WORLD BY OG MANDINO” This book is suggested to everybody who looks for happiness.
4-The most beautiful piece of music is ...I LIKE “SUFİ” MUSIC.
5-The tastiest food is ...CHICKEN IN THE OWEN WITH POTATO especially when it 's made by my wife-:)
• Companies don't give priority to the least thoughtful persons who don't care about her/his colleagues when they recruit staff.
• There is clash in the market and we should immediately come up with new marketing strategies like discounts or ads.
• Director's last movie was the best of the lot.
• I 'm not sure that it's good idea to buy same gift for everyone. We should look out for each person's hobbies or necessities. A gift can’t be pricey. The important thing is to remember someone in special days.
I think this week's football phrase is ( one on one )
11/06/2020 14:17
Manchester United
I think this week's football phrase is ( one on one )
The best footballer of all time is Lionel Messi
Kingsman sequel is the most exciting film I've ever watched
The most interesting book is Men are from Mars , women are from Venus
The most beautiful piece of music is Never too late by 3 Days Grace
Cinnamon Rolls is the most delicious food I've ever tasted
The best gift I’ve ever received was adidas Predator boots
11/06/2020 14:13
Manchester United
The best footballer of all time is Lionel Messi
Kingsman sequel is the most exciting film I've ever watched
The most interesting book is Men are from Mars , women are from Venus
The most beautiful piece of music is Never too late by 3 Days Grace
Cinnamon Rolls is the most delicious food I've ever tasted
The best gift I’ve ever received was adidas Predator boots
The best footballer of all time is Ronaldinho
The most exciting film is the deadly voyage
The most interesting book is how to win friends and influence people
The most beautiful piece of music is B.E.A.R by M.anifest
The tastiest food is (Ghana) Jollof
The best gift I’ve ever received is my tablet from the Premier Skills English team.
15/12/2019 21:39
Manchester United
The best footballer of all time is Ronaldinho
The most exciting film is the deadly voyage
The most interesting book is how to win friends and influence people
The most beautiful piece of music is B.E.A.R by M.anifest
The tastiest food is (Ghana) Jollof
The best gift I’ve ever received is my tablet from the Premier Skills English team.
Hi there Kwesimanifest!
We haven't heard from you in ages! We hope you are well and great to hear that you were happy with your prize! Is that three years ago now? Is it still working?
All the best,
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
16/12/2019 09:14
Hi there Kwesimanifest!
We haven't heard from you in ages! We hope you are well and great to hear that you were happy with your prize! Is that three years ago now? Is it still working?
All the best,
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
Hi Rich,
yes its been a while, I began working with a multinational and the pressures of work got me taken away from the website a bit... and yes its been three years since I won my prize which I cherished so much. Unfortunately, it got stolen together with my bag and belongings while I was working out office sometime two last years but I must say I enjoyed using it while it was with me aiding me through my project work while I was in the university.
16/12/2019 16:09
Manchester United
Hi Rich,
yes its been a while, I began working with a multinational and the pressures of work got me taken away from the website a bit... and yes its been three years since I won my prize which I cherished so much. Unfortunately, it got stolen together with my bag and belongings while I was working out office sometime two last years but I must say I enjoyed using it while it was with me aiding me through my project work while I was in the university.
Hi Kwesimanifest,
Glad to hear that you are working hard! It's a shame about the tablet but I'm happy to hear that it helped you with your studies :)
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
18/12/2019 08:12
Hi Kwesimanifest,
Glad to hear that you are working hard! It's a shame about the tablet but I'm happy to hear that it helped you with your studies :)
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
This week's phrase is *** ** ***
15/12/2019 21:35
Manchester United
This week's phrase is *** ** ***
The best footballer of all time is Pelé
The most exciting film is Avengers End Game
The most imteresting book is King Arthur
The most beautiful piece of music is Lion King
The tastiest food is hamburguer
The best gif I've ever received is an shirt of my club Grêmio.
12/12/2019 19:26
The best footballer of all time is Pelé
The most exciting film is Avengers End Game
The most imteresting book is King Arthur
The most beautiful piece of music is Lion King
The tastiest food is hamburguer
The best gif I've ever received is an shirt of my club Grêmio.
The best footballer of all time is Messi.
The most exciting film is Terminator 2.
The most interesting book is Lord of the Rings.
The most beautiful piece of music is 9a Sinfonia from Beethoven.
The tastiest food is when you are hungry! :-)
The best gift I’ve ever received is when I bought my first motorcycle.
11/12/2019 03:13
Manchester United
The best footballer of all time is Messi.
The most exciting film is Terminator 2.
The most interesting book is Lord of the Rings.
The most beautiful piece of music is 9a Sinfonia from Beethoven.
The tastiest food is when you are hungry! :-)
The best gift I’ve ever received is when I bought my first motorcycle.
Hi Gilson,
Good use of superlatives!
Your first answer (Messi) is controversial. Most Brazilians choose Pele, don't they?
Thanks for your comments.
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
11/12/2019 08:28
Hi Gilson,
Good use of superlatives!
Your first answer (Messi) is controversial. Most Brazilians choose Pele, don't they?
Thanks for your comments.
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
Nice lesson! I am laughing at Jack's cheapest Christmas ever, teaching us how to save money!
1. The best footballer of all time is Pelé. Unfortunately, I was not able to see any of his performances.
2. Indiana Jones is the most exciting film I've ever seen.
3. The most interesting book I've ever read is ''Sapiens - a brief history of humankind'', by the Israeli historian and professor Yuval Noah Harari.
4. The most beautiful piece of music I've ever listened to is Moldau (Vltava), a symphonic poem from the suite ''Má vlast" by the Czech composer Bedrich Smetana.
5. The tastiest food I've ever tried is the "comida mineira", which means the food from the Minas Gerais state, in Brazil, and it is often associated with delicious dishes coming from the rural area.
6. The best gift I've ever received is my father's car when I got my driver's license.
10/12/2019 21:41
Tottenham Hotspur
Nice lesson! I am laughing at Jack's cheapest Christmas ever, teaching us how to save money!
1. The best footballer of all time is Pelé. Unfortunately, I was not able to see any of his performances.
2. Indiana Jones is the most exciting film I've ever seen.
3. The most interesting book I've ever read is ''Sapiens - a brief history of humankind'', by the Israeli historian and professor Yuval Noah Harari.
4. The most beautiful piece of music I've ever listened to is Moldau (Vltava), a symphonic poem from the suite ''Má vlast" by the Czech composer Bedrich Smetana.
5. The tastiest food I've ever tried is the "comida mineira", which means the food from the Minas Gerais state, in Brazil, and it is often associated with delicious dishes coming from the rural area.
6. The best gift I've ever received is my father's car when I got my driver's license.
Hi Rafael, I like feijoada and farofa but I don't know if they are from Minas Gerais. Are you from Minas?, I can't believe that Cruzeiro was relegated.
Once I had a Portuguese teacher from Minas Gerais, and I loved that she spoke very quietly.
11/12/2019 14:21
Leeds United
Hi Rafael, I like feijoada and farofa but I don't know if they are from Minas Gerais. Are you from Minas?, I can't believe that Cruzeiro was relegated.
Once I had a Portuguese teacher from Minas Gerais, and I loved that she spoke very quietly.
Hi wsanta, thanks for your reply! I am from São Paulo State but my city borders Minas Gerais.
People from Minas Gerais have a slightly different accent and I also like it.
Feijoada is very popular in Brazil and actually it is an African heritage from the time of slavery. Farofa is another popular dish and there are several types of Farofa throughout the country. Maybe the most known dish in Minas is the "Tropeiro" and you can even find it in the "Mineirão" Stadium, in Belo Horizonte, where Cruzeiro plays.
By the way, Cruzeiro had never been relegated before but this year they were extremely disorganized and in financial trouble.
13/12/2019 14:53
Tottenham Hotspur
Hi wsanta, thanks for your reply! I am from São Paulo State but my city borders Minas Gerais.
People from Minas Gerais have a slightly different accent and I also like it.
Feijoada is very popular in Brazil and actually it is an African heritage from the time of slavery. Farofa is another popular dish and there are several types of Farofa throughout the country. Maybe the most known dish in Minas is the "Tropeiro" and you can even find it in the "Mineirão" Stadium, in Belo Horizonte, where Cruzeiro plays.
By the way, Cruzeiro had never been relegated before but this year they were extremely disorganized and in financial trouble.
Hi Rafael!
Yes, Jack is a cheapskate!!
I've got Sapiens on my bookshelf but haven't got round to reading it yet. I remember being absolutely terrified by the snake pit in the original Indiana Jones - I was only about eight though!
Did your dad get a new car or did he have to start getting the bus? :)
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
11/12/2019 08:25
Hi Rafael!
Yes, Jack is a cheapskate!!
I've got Sapiens on my bookshelf but haven't got round to reading it yet. I remember being absolutely terrified by the snake pit in the original Indiana Jones - I was only about eight though!
Did your dad get a new car or did he have to start getting the bus? :)
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
Hi Rich, thanks for your reply.
Fortunately, he got a new car! :)
13/12/2019 14:59
Tottenham Hotspur
Hi Rich, thanks for your reply.
Fortunately, he got a new car! :)
The best footballers of all time are Diego Armando Maradona, Lionel Messi, Pele, Johan Cruyff and Alfredo Di Stefano, but I want to choose Enzo Francescoli because "The Prince" was the cleverest player that I have ever seen.
The most exciting film is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
The most interesting book is Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.
The most beautiful piece of music is Spanish Bombs or some other song of The Clash.
The tastiest food is barbecue, it's part of our idiosyncrasy.
The best gift I’ve ever received is a Guy Williams' "Zorro" doll that my uncle gave me when I was a baby and that I still have for forty years.
10/12/2019 15:58
Leeds United
The best footballers of all time are Diego Armando Maradona, Lionel Messi, Pele, Johan Cruyff and Alfredo Di Stefano, but I want to choose Enzo Francescoli because "The Prince" was the cleverest player that I have ever seen.
The most exciting film is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
The most interesting book is Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.
The most beautiful piece of music is Spanish Bombs or some other song of The Clash.
The tastiest food is barbecue, it's part of our idiosyncrasy.
The best gift I’ve ever received is a Guy Williams' "Zorro" doll that my uncle gave me when I was a baby and that I still have for forty years.
Hi Wsanta,
Good use of superlatives. The Clash are still popular in Spain. There is a square in Granada called Plaza Joe Strummer in his honour!
You are starting to make a list of the greatest footballers. I'd like to add George Best, Ferenc Puskas and Paolo Maldini (or maybe Franco Baresi - who was better?). What do you think?
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
11/12/2019 08:34
Hi Wsanta,
Good use of superlatives. The Clash are still popular in Spain. There is a square in Granada called Plaza Joe Strummer in his honour!
You are starting to make a list of the greatest footballers. I'd like to add George Best, Ferenc Puskas and Paolo Maldini (or maybe Franco Baresi - who was better?). What do you think?
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team
I agree Rich, I would add Franz Beckenbauer and Michel Platini. But I choose Enzo Francescoli as the best footballer of all time
11/12/2019 14:08
Leeds United
I agree Rich, I would add Franz Beckenbauer and Michel Platini. But I choose Enzo Francescoli as the best footballer of all time
Hi Rich.
The Clash is a very important band in my country. They influenced many great bands and still today they continue to influence many young people. My son is seventeen years old and is a The Clash's fan.
11/12/2019 13:56
Leeds United
Hi Rich.
The Clash is a very important band in my country. They influenced many great bands and still today they continue to influence many young people. My son is seventeen years old and is a The Clash's fan.
The best footballer of all time is either Pele or Diego Maradona.
The most exciting film is "The Shawshank Redemption", which is the first of IMDB top rated movies.
The most interesting book I've ever read is A Song of Ice and Fire series, which I'm afraid will never end. What a shame!
The most beautiful piece of music for me is the refrain of We Are the Champions.
The tastiest food I've ever had is a Cantonese dish.
The best gift I’ve ever received is a computer my parents bought for me when I made it to a university.
The football phrase is "*** ** ***".
09/12/2019 16:27
The best footballer of all time is either Pele or Diego Maradona.
The most exciting film is "The Shawshank Redemption", which is the first of IMDB top rated movies.
The most interesting book I've ever read is A Song of Ice and Fire series, which I'm afraid will never end. What a shame!
The most beautiful piece of music for me is the refrain of We Are the Champions.
The tastiest food I've ever had is a Cantonese dish.
The best gift I’ve ever received is a computer my parents bought for me when I made it to a university.
The football phrase is "*** ** ***".
The Shawshank Redemption is a great film, one of the most exciting.
10/12/2019 16:02
Leeds United
The Shawshank Redemption is a great film, one of the most exciting.
The best footballer of all time is Messi because nothing is impossible for him.
08/12/2019 17:19
Leicester City
The best footballer of all time is Messi because nothing is impossible for him.
1. The best footballer of all time is Pelé. This was notorious for everybody in the sixties and for me it is still now.
2. The most exciting film I have ever watched is ' La grande illusion ' by Jean Renoir.
3. The most interesting book I have ever read is Tolstoi's ' War and Peace'
4. The most beautiful piece of music I have ever heard is Schubbert 'La truite'.
5. The tastied food I have ever eaten is an on-wood roasted sheep head.
6. The best gift I have ever received was my father's present of four illustrated French Larousse Dictionary as I have been finishing my primary school.
Football phrase ' get it top '
08/12/2019 14:31
Manchester City
1. The best footballer of all time is Pelé. This was notorious for everybody in the sixties and for me it is still now.
2. The most exciting film I have ever watched is ' La grande illusion ' by Jean Renoir.
3. The most interesting book I have ever read is Tolstoi's ' War and Peace'
4. The most beautiful piece of music I have ever heard is Schubbert 'La truite'.
5. The tastied food I have ever eaten is an on-wood roasted sheep head.
6. The best gift I have ever received was my father's present of four illustrated French Larousse Dictionary as I have been finishing my primary school.
Football phrase ' get it top '
You think Pelé is the best footballer of all time, and so do I. But I'm afraid the adjective "notorious" has a negative meaning.
09/12/2019 16:31
You think Pelé is the best footballer of all time, and so do I. But I'm afraid the adjective "notorious" has a negative meaning.
Yes I reckon my mistake.In fact I take it straight from a French word. Thank you lakerwang for correcting it. Perhaps the word notoriety would do him, I mean for Pele, justice.
10/12/2019 14:32
Manchester City
Yes I reckon my mistake.In fact I take it straight from a French word. Thank you lakerwang for correcting it. Perhaps the word notoriety would do him, I mean for Pele, justice.
I think we need to think of another word. Notoriety is the noun and notorious is the adjective but they both have negative meanings. Does this word have a positive meaning in French?
11/12/2019 08:36
I think we need to think of another word. Notoriety is the noun and notorious is the adjective but they both have negative meanings. Does this word have a positive meaning in French?
Yes, of course.
'notorieté' means a positive idea about someone, largely spread among people.
13/12/2019 16:16
Manchester City
Yes, of course.
'notorieté' means a positive idea about someone, largely spread among people.
I think, in Spanish it also has a positive meaning. It is synonymous with blantant, important and well known.
11/12/2019 14:36
Leeds United
I think, in Spanish it also has a positive meaning. It is synonymous with blantant, important and well known.
The phrase of this week is "*** ** ***".The last week's one was so tricky.
08/12/2019 03:38
Manchester United
The phrase of this week is "*** ** ***".The last week's one was so tricky.
I think that the phrase is '*** ** ***'
06/12/2019 15:09
I think that the phrase is '*** ** ***'