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Learning Vocabulary: Fitness & the Environment

Learning Vocabulary: Fitness & the Environment

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack takes Rich 'plogging' which is a new way to keep fit and help the environment at the same time. The language focus is on phrasal verbs connected to fitness such as 'work on' and 'keep up' and words & phrases connected to the environment such as 'recyclable' and 'rubbish' or 'garbage'.  Your task is to tell us what exercise you do that is environmentally friendly. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.


If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.
Read and listen at the same time.

Learning Vocabulary: Fitness & the Environment


Jack: Hello my name’s Jack

Rich: and I’m Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.

Rich: We recommend that you listen to this podcast on the Premier Skills English website because that is where we have the transcript, language examples, activities, quizzes and a discussion page to help you understand everything we talk about.

Jack: However, if you’re listening on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, you can leave answers to our questions in the review section. We do read all the reviews and would love to hear from you.

Rich: Before we get into this week’s show, we’d like to ask for your help and your opinions.

Jack: We want you to tell us what you like and don’t like about our podcasts and we want to talk to you about any changes you would like us to make.

Rich: We would like to get in touch with you. If you are over eighteen and happy to speak to us, please write to us at

Jack: Let’s get back to this week’s episode.  

Rich: In this week’s podcast, we’re going to be talking about how we can improve our fitness and help the environment at the same time.

Jack: In this week’s roleplay, I’m going to take Rich plogging.

Rich: Surely you mean jogging or maybe … going for a drink?

Jack: No, Rich, I mean plogging. It’s something we can do to keep our towns and cities clean and stay fit at the same time.

Rich: Oh, right. I’m looking forward to it already. 

Jack: And after we’ve been plogging, we’ll look at some vocabulary connected to fitness and some language connected to keeping our streets clean and tidy.

Rich: In this week’s task, we’re going to ask what you do in your home and neighbourhood to keep your area clean and to help the environment more generally.

Jack: But before all that, we need to look at last week’s football phrase.

Last week’s Football Phrase

Jack: Last week’s football phrase, If you didn’t hear it, we’re going to give you one more chance to guess now. We’ll give you the correct answer at the end of the show when we give you a new football phrase.

Rich: Last week, Jack gave you the phrase and we had lots of right answers. We also had a fantastic clue from one of our listeners. Lakerwang in China said in our comments section that you can see this phrase written on a big yellow banner before every football match.

Jack: Let’s hear it one more time. Do you know what the missing phrase is?

Rich: The phrase was **** ****. This phrase is the idea of following the rules and respecting the opposition. Nobody should cheat or try to trick the referee. It’s the referee’s job to ensure **** **** on the pitch.

Jack: Well done to Mario from Mexico who wrote his correct answer on Apple Podcasts.

Rich: And well done to Lakerwang from China, Idzingirai from Zimbabwe, Liubomyr and Alex from Ukraine, Elghoul from Algeria, Ahmed Abdallah from Egypt, and Wsanta from Argentina who all wrote their correct answers on the Premier Skills English website.

Jack: We’ll give you the answer at the end of the show and we’ll have a new football phrase for you to guess. 

Introduction to roleplay

Jack: As I said at the beginning of the show, in this week’s roleplay I’m going to take Rich plogging. 

Rich: And while you are listening we have two questions we’d like you to answer:

Jack: Question one: What is plogging? And question two: What three things is plogging good for?


Rich: Morning, Jack! I’m ready. I’ve been warming up for ages. Ready for our first big run.

Jack: You’re on time, Rich. It’s a miracle. I thought I’d be ringing you up to get you out of bed.

Rich: You know me. Punctuality is my middle name. I’m always on time.

Jack: I’m not so sure about that but good to see that you’re keen. Here you go.

Rich: What’s this?

Jack: It’s a bag, Rich.

Rich: Yes, I can see that but what’s it for?

Jack: To put things in.

Rich: I know but what do I want it for?

Jack: We’re going plogging remember.

Rich: Jogging.

Jack: No, plogging! I did say that this run would be a little different.

Rich: What do you mean?

Jack: I’ve been doing plogging for a while. I started a couple of months ago. The idea is that you go for a run or a jog and while you are running you pick up any rubbish you see.

Rich: That’s why we have the bag?

Jack: Yes, you put the garbage in it as we run.

Rich: So we’re rubbish collectors. Litter pickers?

Jack: Kind of, yes. People were getting fed up with litter in our streets and communities so we decided to do something about it. There are ploggers all over the world. I think it's part of the trashtag craze!

Rich: You like to be at the cutting edge of things don’t you. I suppose it’s a good idea to keep things tidy.

Jack: And it’s a great workout, too. Much better than just jogging. You’ll see in a minute. Here put these gloves on.

Jack: You sound out of breath already. Come on keep up.

Rich: I’m knackered. I can’t keep up.

Jack: You missed that carton there. Come on!

Rich: Oh! Yes, sorry. I didn’t want to look down in case I hit a tree.

Jack: Keep looking on the pavement and I’ll look in the gutter. Don’t stop! Bend your knees, grab the plastic bottle and carry on plogging!

Rich: That’s easy for you to say. All this bending down again and again. Hold on. Got an old cola can! All in one move!

Jack: Nice one. See, you’re getting the hang of it.

Rich: Will this be over soon? My bag’s nearly full.

Jack: Lets sprint over to the recycling bins at the end of the block. We can get rid of it all there.

Rich: What have we got then? Tin cans, milk cartons, plastic bottles.

Jack: We can recycle all of this trash. So, what do you reckon to plogging then?

Rich: Yeah, it’s a great idea. It keeps you fit - it’s a better workout than just jogging. All that stopping, starting, twisting and bending over - it’s got to be good for you, hasn’t it?

Jack: You can even fit in extra exercises when you pick up the rubbish. You can do some squats or lunges each time you stop and you can even work on your arm strength as the bag fills up.

Rich: And, of course, keeping our streets clean and tidy is important. I feel like I’m doing something good for our neighbourhood.

Jack: Yes, definitely. I’ve also read that if there is less rubbish on the street, people don’t drop it in the first place. They probably feel guilty and use litter bins and recycling points.

Rich: And, picking up all that plastic means it gets recycled which is good for our planet.

Jack: So, same time next week?

Rich: Definitely.

Language Focus: Keeping things tidy

Jack: Did you get the answer to our questions? The first was what is plogging?

Rich: The answer is a mixture of running and collecting rubbish on the streets. 

Jack: Plogging is actually a portmanteau word which is when you combine the beginning of one word and the end of another.

Rich: Plogging was originally a Swedish word. It’s a mixture of ‘plocka upp’ which is Swedish for ‘pick up’ or ‘pluck’ and ‘jogging’.

Jack: Other common portmanteau words are motel, brunch, smog, Bollywood and the Paralympics. If you know what the original words are let us know in the comments section.

Rich: The second question we wanted you to answer was what three things is plogging good for?

Jack: In brief, the answers are: our fitness, keeping our local area tidy and our planet.

Rich: Let’s look at some of the language we used in the roleplay. Plogging is about picking up rubbish. Let’s start with that sentence ’picking up rubbish’.

Jack: To pick something up is a phrasal verb and has lots of meanings but the one we were looking at in the roleplay means to lift or collect something from the floor.

Rich: And rubbish is what we throw away because we don’t want or need it any more. Unfortunately, many people throw rubbish in the street.

Jack: We used a few other words that are similar to rubbish in the roleplay. Listen to these sentences:

Rich: One: While you are running you pick up any rubbish you see. Two: You put the garbage in the bag as we run. Three:  People were getting fed up with litter in our streets. Four: We can recycle all of this trash.

Jack: Generally, all of these words mean the same. They describe things that we don’t need or want and have thrown away. 

Rich: The main difference is that garbage and trash are used more in American English and rubbish is used more in British English. Litter is usually used more for rubbish outside and in the street on signs and public litter bins.

Jack: Another difference between American and British English is what we put our rubbish or garbage in. 

Rich: In the US, you usually have a trash can or garbage can but in the UK you have a rubbish bin or a dustbin or a wheelie bin. These objects are usually outside.

Jack: We also use these words to give negative opinions about something. We say things like ‘That’s a load of rubbish’ ‘That’s garbage’ and we often hear about ‘trash talk’ in sports like boxing and cricket where players insult each other.

Rich: That’s not cricket, is it? We also spoke about recycling in the roleplay. We recycle things so they can be made into different things and used again.

Jack: Recyclable materials like plastic, glass, metal and paper are collected from our houses or recycling points in our local area. They are then made into different products and used again.

Rich: In many countries, you can read on a plastic bottle or a carton if it has been made out of recycled materials.

Jack: There are a few words there: recycle, recycling, recyclable and recycled. Listen to these sentences to understand how these words are often used:

Rich: One: In my house, we always recycle plastics, glass and paper. Two: Hey, Jack! Can you do us a favour and take the recycling when you go out? Three: Recycling is good for our planet. Four: This is made of plastic and paper I wonder if it’s recyclable. Five: Cool trainers, Jack. They are made out of recycled plastic bottles!


Jack: When we were plogging in the roleplay we also used a few words and phrases connected to fitness. Let’s have a look at those now.

Rich: I don’t do too much exercise and it was my first time plogging. In the roleplay, Jack said I was out of breath and I said I was knackered.

Jack: To be out of breath means to have problems breathing after or during exercise. (example)

Rich: Knackered is an informal word that means very tired. It’s got a silent k at the beginning. The word is pronounced knackered. I was knackered in the roleplay.

Jack: We said that plogging was a good workout. A workout is a length of time we do exercise for, often at the gym.

Rich: It is a phrasal verb, too. Hey, Jack. Do you work out?

Jack: No too often.

Rich: I didn’t think so!

Jack: Thanks, Rich! We used some more phrasal verbs in the roleplay. Rich warmed up before we went plogging. To warm up means to do some light exercises before more rigorous activity.

Rich: I couldn’t keep up with Jack. He was too fast for me. Keep up is another phrasal verb and means to continue at the same speed as something else. 

Jack: When you are plogging you have to bend over a lot to pick up rubbish. To bend over means to move your body to the floor while you are still standing.

Rich: We said that carrying all that rubbish means you can work on your arm strength. Work on is another phrasal verb. To work on something means to try hard to do something.

Jack: So, there are a few words and phrases connected to fitness. We’ve got more examples and activities on the website so you can practise the language we’ve been looking at in this podcast.


Rich: Your task this week is to tell us what you do or would like to do to keep your area clean and our planet healthy.

Jack: And whether any of these things benefit your personal fitness. Use these questions to help you and try to use some of the vocabulary we’ve spoken about in this podcast.

Rich: Can you recycle things where you live? Do you?

Jack: Is there a lot of rubbish in the streets where you live? What could be done about this?

Rich: Do you ever walk, run or cycle instead of using a car or public transport? Do you do this for fitness or to help the environment?

Jack: Write all your answers in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website. You’ll find the page for this podcast on the homepage or under skills>listen>podcasts>learning vocabulary: fitness and the environment.

Football Phrase

Rich: OK, it’s time for this week’s football phrase.

Jack: Is it a difficult one? They usually are.

Rich: I think this one is quite easy. Let’s see who can get it right. This week’s phrase is * ******* ****. It’s a type of shot where the ball is at about waist height and the player jumps, kind of horizontally, with legs apart and shoots very powerfully. The player’s legs look a bit like what you cut paper with. This shot is not to be confused with a bicycle kick or an overhead kick.

Jack: OK, I got it when you started talking about cutting paper.

Rich: Right, that’s all we have time for this week! Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below. If you get it right, we’ll announce your name on next week’s show. 

Jack: Before we forget, if you’re still thinking about last week’s football phrase - the answer was fair play.

Rich: Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

You know me. Punctuality is my middle name. I’m always on time.

I’m not so sure about that but good to see that you’re keen.

People were getting fed up with litter in our streets and communities so we decided to do something about it.

You like to be at the cutting edge of things don’t you.

Keep looking on the pavement and I’ll look in the gutter.

Lets sprint over to the recycling bins at the end of the block. 

There were a few more tricky words and phrases in the podcast. Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words. This can really help your understanding.

Activity 1

Activity 1: In this activity, match the words to the definitions.
Can you match the words to the definitions?


Keeping things tidy

A trash can in the United States but a litter bin in the UK.

In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich were 'plogging' which is running and cleaning their streets at the same time. They were picking up things like old plastic bottles, tins and packets from the floor. There are different words we can use to talk about these things. Look at the words in bold in these sentences from the roleplay:

  1. While you are running you pick up any rubbish you see.
  2. You put the garbage in the bag as we run.
  3. People were getting fed up with litter in our streets.
  4. We can recycle all of this trash.

In the UK, we talk about rubbish. We pick up rubbish and throw it in the rubbish bin. In the US, we talk about garbage or trash and we throw it in the garbage or trash can. Litter is only used for rubbish that is outside and on public signs and litter bins.



We can recycle all kinds of things!

We often use the words 'rubbish', 'garbage' and 'trash' to insult other people or say that something doesn't make sense or is nonsense. The term 'trash talk' means speech that is intended to insult or humiliate a sporting opponent. It is often used in boxing and, more surprisingly, cricket when it is called sledging and is strongly discouraged. A couple of phrases that you have to be careful with using include:

That's a load of rubbish!

That's absolute garbage!



Recycling points in Egypt. Do you recycle?

We also spoke about recycling in the roleplay. Recycling is the process of collecting waste materials and making them into new products. Have a look at the sentences below and check that you understand how the word in bold is being used:

  1. In my house, we always recycle plastics, glass and paper.
  2. Hey, Jack! Can you do us a favour and take the recycling when you go out?
  3. Recycling is good for our planet.
  4. This is made of plastic and paper I wonder if it’s recyclable.
  5. Cool trainers, Jack. They are made out of recycled plastic bottles!



Japanese supporters have become well-known for picking up their rubbish when they leave the stadium.

When Rich and Jack were 'plogging' in the roleplay, they used a few words and phrases connected to fitness:

Jack: You sound out of breath already. Come on keep up.

Rich: I’m absolutely knackered. I can’t keep up.

Rich: It keeps you fit - it’s a better workout than just jogging.

The phrase out of breath and knackered are connected to being tired. The first is always connected to exercise; out of breath means that you are finding it difficult to breathe during or after exercise. Knackered means very tired; it can be used after exercise or more generally, after a very busy day, for example. It is a very informal word. A workout is a period of time you spend exercising. We often use it after being in the gym. We can say that was a good workout.


Phrasal Verbs

Plogging is jogging and picking up rubbish in the street at the same time.

We also used a few phrasal verbs connected to fitness in the roleplay. Look back at the example above and you will see keep up in red. This is a phrasal verb that means move at the same speed as someone or something else. It's often used in the negative when someone is slower than another e.g. Wait! I can't keep up with you! Here are some other phrasal verbs we used in the roleplay. DO you understand the words in bold?

I’ve been warming up for ages. Ready for our first big run.

All that stopping, starting, twisting and bending over when you pick up the rubbish.

You can even work on your arm strength as the bag fills up.

Activity 2

Activity 2: In this activity, learn some more words connected to being environmentally friendly.
Do you know the right word?


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What environmentally friendly exercise do you do?

Londoners on their way to work.

In this podcast, Jack took Rich 'plogging' which keeps them both fit and keeps their neighbourhood tidy. Your task this week is to tell us if you do any exercise that is environmentally friendly. Think about some of these questions to help you write your answer:

  • What do you do or would like to do to keep your area clean and our planet healthy?
  • Do any of these things benefit your personal fitness? 
  • Can you recycle things where you live? Do you?
  • Is there a lot of rubbish in the streets where you live? What could be done about this?
  • Do you ever walk, run or cycle instead of using a car or public transport? Do you do this for fitness or to help the environment?

Write your answers in the comments section below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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hsn's picture

• I regularly walk and pick up the garbages that is seen on the street and put them in the rubbish bin.
• Yes.I do it while walking.
• I recycle plastics.
• Fortunately our neighborhood is built before ten years, it’s new, tidy and clean than other places in my city.
• In the office, bending down suddenly for taking falled pen might causes herniated disc.

hsn's picture
18/10/2021 12:36
Tottenham Hotspur

• I regularly walk and pick up the garbages that is seen on the street and put them in the rubbish bin.
• Yes.I do it while walking.
• I recycle plastics.
• Fortunately our neighborhood is built before ten years, it’s new, tidy and clean than other places in my city.
• In the office, bending down suddenly for taking falled pen might causes herniated disc.


Thank you for the website. Fantastic!!

15/11/2020 09:10
Crystal Palace

Thank you for the website. Fantastic!!

mobeckham's picture

This week’s football phrase is ( a scissor kick )

mobeckham's picture
10/06/2020 14:37
Manchester United

This week’s football phrase is ( a scissor kick )

mobeckham's picture

Last year I took place in the adidas challenge ( run for the oceans ) that adidas was going to donate $1 for every kilometre run so I ran 10 kilometres
It was very beneficial for my body to keep me fit and healthy
Actually the streets here in my city is almost clean and hygienic. People like to take care of the environment around us. And there are lots of litter bins in the street so you hardly ever find rubbish in the streets
I usually go to work by school bus. Nevertheless , I like to walk and cycle during evenings while I am going out and I run at the weekends with the locals and some foreigners. I do with with intention of getting fit and healthy and at the same time to keep the environment clean and pure so I can get the best of both worlds

mobeckham's picture
10/06/2020 14:29
Manchester United

Last year I took place in the adidas challenge ( run for the oceans ) that adidas was going to donate $1 for every kilometre run so I ran 10 kilometres
It was very beneficial for my body to keep me fit and healthy
Actually the streets here in my city is almost clean and hygienic. People like to take care of the environment around us. And there are lots of litter bins in the street so you hardly ever find rubbish in the streets
I usually go to work by school bus. Nevertheless , I like to walk and cycle during evenings while I am going out and I run at the weekends with the locals and some foreigners. I do with with intention of getting fit and healthy and at the same time to keep the environment clean and pure so I can get the best of both worlds

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson

Great podcast. I had never heard of plogging and I think it would really work in Brazilian cities, since most of our streets are not clean, especially in poor neighborhoods where access to public selective waste collection is limited. Not only are the streets untidy but also most of the rivers, once basic sanitation is also limited.
To be eco friendly I try to reduce my waste using both sides of a paper sheet or avoiding to purchase unnecessary things, for example.
On the other hand, I could be using much more a bike or public transport instead of driving.

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson
11/12/2019 20:27
Tottenham Hotspur

Great podcast. I had never heard of plogging and I think it would really work in Brazilian cities, since most of our streets are not clean, especially in poor neighborhoods where access to public selective waste collection is limited. Not only are the streets untidy but also most of the rivers, once basic sanitation is also limited.
To be eco friendly I try to reduce my waste using both sides of a paper sheet or avoiding to purchase unnecessary things, for example.
On the other hand, I could be using much more a bike or public transport instead of driving.

jjosebadillo's picture

Im ready to go plogging with my friends

jjosebadillo's picture
27/11/2019 19:53
Wolverhampton Wanderers

Im ready to go plogging with my friends

ldzingirai's picture

To keep our environment safe and healthy they loads of initiatives in place. Plastics less than 30 microns are not allowed to be manufactured. The first Friday of the month is a national cleaning day.

There is one more recycling method I found on the BBC website. It's called freecycle. The idea behind freecycle is giving out unwanted items to someone else rather than dumping them.

ldzingirai's picture
23/11/2019 06:45

To keep our environment safe and healthy they loads of initiatives in place. Plastics less than 30 microns are not allowed to be manufactured. The first Friday of the month is a national cleaning day.

There is one more recycling method I found on the BBC website. It's called freecycle. The idea behind freecycle is giving out unwanted items to someone else rather than dumping them.

anicentus namang's picture
anicentus namang

The football phrase is * ******* ****

anicentus namang's picture
anicentus namang
20/11/2019 04:33
Leicester City

The football phrase is * ******* ****

elghoul's picture

Football phrase, '******* ****'

To keep our planet healthy I always try to go around without using my gasoline powered vehicle.

My physical fitness is better of course and my well being is improving.

I can't say that I'm recycling plastic bottles but I work on not using plastic coffee cups but prefering ceramic cups. I also prefer purchasing coca in reusing glass bottels than in wasted plastic soda bottles.

A lot of litter in our streets since lots of products are plastic wrapped and the government help financing non renewable platic bags and in a darl color which we find all around in the towns and in the coubtry also.

I like walking and running and it appears to be environmentaly friendly.

elghoul's picture
19/11/2019 17:33
Manchester City

Football phrase, '******* ****'

To keep our planet healthy I always try to go around without using my gasoline powered vehicle.

My physical fitness is better of course and my well being is improving.

I can't say that I'm recycling plastic bottles but I work on not using plastic coffee cups but prefering ceramic cups. I also prefer purchasing coca in reusing glass bottels than in wasted plastic soda bottles.

A lot of litter in our streets since lots of products are plastic wrapped and the government help financing non renewable platic bags and in a darl color which we find all around in the towns and in the coubtry also.

I like walking and running and it appears to be environmentaly friendly.

wsanta's picture

I like running or riding my bike but I didn't know about plogging, it's something we should imitate.
I am worried about governments don't control companies or people that pollute rivers with clandestine drains or indiscriminate felling of trees.

wsanta's picture
19/11/2019 02:23
Leeds United

I like running or riding my bike but I didn't know about plogging, it's something we should imitate.
I am worried about governments don't control companies or people that pollute rivers with clandestine drains or indiscriminate felling of trees.

ldzingirai's picture

I have been doing plogging; I didn't know they is a word for it.

ldzingirai's picture
23/11/2019 06:36

I have been doing plogging; I didn't know they is a word for it.

Rich's picture

Good to know that you do it and good to know that we've helped you to describe it :)

P.S. It was a new word for me, too!

Rich's picture
23/11/2019 12:46

Good to know that you do it and good to know that we've helped you to describe it :)

P.S. It was a new word for me, too!

Fred Zhong

We have more and better intentions to go green in our city,meanwhile running and jogging is popular,but I have not heard of flogging before this podcast.It's a great idea.
The football phrase is "* ******** ****".

Fred Zhong
19/11/2019 01:54
Manchester United

We have more and better intentions to go green in our city,meanwhile running and jogging is popular,but I have not heard of flogging before this podcast.It's a great idea.
The football phrase is "* ******** ****".


The football phrase is * ******* ****

18/11/2019 06:35
Manchester United

The football phrase is * ******* ****


I still can't catch some words.

18/11/2019 01:04
Manchester City

I still can't catch some words.

Rich's picture

Hi Tee,

Are you using the transcript to help you? You can listen first without the transcript and then listen again with the transcript. This should help.

Rich - The Premier SKills English Team

Rich's picture
18/11/2019 08:07

Hi Tee,

Are you using the transcript to help you? You can listen first without the transcript and then listen again with the transcript. This should help.

Rich - The Premier SKills English Team


The football phrase is "* ******* ****".

17/11/2019 14:16

The football phrase is "* ******* ****".

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the phrase is '******* ****'

Liubomyr's picture
15/11/2019 11:28

I think that the phrase is '******* ****'

wsanta's picture

I think the football phrase could be * ******* ****

wsanta's picture
15/11/2019 11:25
Leeds United

I think the football phrase could be * ******* ****


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United147606
5Manchester City60104
6Tottenham Hotspur19517
7Newcastle United10664
8West Ham United7798
9Crystal Palace4705
10AFC Bournemouth4595


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Vocabulary: Fitness

Vocabulary: Environment

Task: What environmentally friendly exercise do you do?